ANZSCO 224113 统计学家 Statistician
224113 人口学家 Demographer
224113 流行病学家 Epidemiologist
224112 数学家 Mathematician
ANZSCO 224113 统计学家 Statistician
224113 统计学家职业描述 Job description
Designs and applies statistical principles and techniques for collecting, organising and interpreting quantifiable data, and uses statistical methodologies to produce statistical reports and analyses for government, commercial and other purposes.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2293-13 Statistician.224113 统计学家职位别名
224113 生物统计学家 Biometrician224113 人口学家 Demographer
224113 流行病学家 Epidemiologist
224113 统计学家技术等级 Skill level
统计学家的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
224113 统计学家所属职业列表
224111 精算师 Actuary224112 数学家 Mathematician