ANZSCO 225411 销售代表(工业产品) Sales Representative (Industrial Products)
Represents companies in selling a range of specialised chemicals, machines, manufacturing materials and other industrial supplies.
225499 其他未分类技术销售代表 Technical Sales Representatives nec
ANZSCO 225411 销售代表(工业产品) Sales Representative (Industrial Products)
2225411 销售代表(工业产品)职业描述 Job description
销售代表(工业产品)代表公司销售一系列特定的化学品,机器,制造原料和其他工业物资。Represents companies in selling a range of specialised chemicals, machines, manufacturing materials and other industrial supplies.
225411 销售代表(工业产品)技术等级 Skill level
销售代表(工业产品)的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
225411 销售代表(工业产品)所属职业列表
225412 销售代表(医药品) Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products)225499 其他未分类技术销售代表 Technical Sales Representatives nec