ANZSCO 251513 零售药剂师 Retail Pharmacist
Dispenses prescribed pharmaceuticals to the public, educates customers on health promotion, disease prevention and the proper use of medicines, and sells non-prescription medicines and related goods in a community pharmacy. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2382-15 Retail Pharmacist.
251512 工业药剂师 Industrial Pharmacist
ANZSCO 251513 零售药剂师 Retail Pharmacist
251513 零售药剂师职业描述 Job description
零售药剂师给公众分发处方药,向顾客宣传关于健康、疾病预防和药物的正确使用方面的知识,在社区药房出售非处方药和相关物品。需要注册或许可证。Dispenses prescribed pharmaceuticals to the public, educates customers on health promotion, disease prevention and the proper use of medicines, and sells non-prescription medicines and related goods in a community pharmacy. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2382-15 Retail Pharmacist.
251513 零售药剂师师职位别名
251513 社区药剂师 Community Pharmacist
251513 零售药剂师师技术等级 Skill level
零售药剂师师的技能等级为1(ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。
251513 零售药剂师师所属职业列表
251511 医院药剂师 Hospital Pharmacist251512 工业药剂师 Industrial Pharmacist