ANZSCO 253913 妇产科医生 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
253913 妇产科医生职业描述 Job description
Provides diagnostic, treatment and preventative medical and surgical services related to the care of women, foetuses and children during pregnancy and childbirth, and to disorders of the female genital, urinary, rectal and reproductive organs. Registration or licensing is required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2312-17 Medical Practitioner - Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.
253913 妇产科医生职位别名
253913 妇科肿瘤医师 Gynaecological Oncologist
253913 生殖内分泌专家 Reproductive Endocrinologist
253913 Urogynaecologist
253913 妇产科医生技术等级 Skill level
妇产科医生的技能等级为1(ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。
253913 妇产科医生所属职业列表
253911 皮肤科医生 Dermatologist253912 急诊医学专家 Emergency Medicine Specialist
253914 眼科医生 Ophthalmologist
253915 病理学家 Pathologist
253917 诊断和介入放射科专家 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist
253918 放射肿瘤科专家 Radiation Oncologist
253999 其他医疗执业人员 Medical Practitioners nec