ANZSCO 211212 音乐总监 Music Director
11212 音乐总监职业描述 Job description
Conducts choirs, orchestras, bands, ensembles, opera companies and musical performances. This occupation requires high levels of creative talent or personal commitment and interest as well as, or in place of, formal qualifications or experience.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2537-11 Music Director.
211212 音乐总监职位别名
211212 乐队队长 Band Leader
211212 合唱指挥 Choral Director
211212 管弦乐队指挥 Orchestra Conductor
211212 音乐总监技术等级 Skill level
音乐总监的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
211212 音乐总监所属职业列表
211211 作曲家 Composer
211213 音乐家(器乐) Musician (Instrumental)
211214 歌手 Singer
211299 专业音乐人 Music Professionals nec