ANZSCO 251212 医疗放射治疗师 Medical Radiation Therapist
Operates high energy x-ray and other radiation and electron generating and monitoring equipment to administer radiation treatment for medical purposes in conjunction with Radiation Oncologists or other specialist Medical Practitioners. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2391-13 Radiographer - Radiation Therapist.
251213 核医学技师 Nuclear Medicine Technologist
251214 超声波检验师 Sonographer
ANZSCO 251212 医疗放射治疗师 Medical Radiation Therapist
251212 医疗放射治疗师职业描述 Job description
医疗放射治疗师负责与放射专家和其他专科医生共同操作高能量的X射线和其他放射电子生成和监控设备进行放射性治疗。需要注册或许可证。Operates high energy x-ray and other radiation and electron generating and monitoring equipment to administer radiation treatment for medical purposes in conjunction with Radiation Oncologists or other specialist Medical Practitioners. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2391-13 Radiographer - Radiation Therapist.
251212 医疗放射治疗师技术等级 Skill level
医疗放射治疗师的技能等级为1(ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。
251212 医疗放射治疗师所属职业列表
251211 医疗放射诊断技师 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer251213 核医学技师 Nuclear Medicine Technologist
251214 超声波检验师 Sonographer