ANZSCO 232511 室内设计师 Interior Designer
Plans, designs, details and supervises the construction of commercial, industrial, retail and residential building interiors to produce an environment tailored to a purpose, with particular emphasis on space creation, space planning, and factors that enhance living and working environments.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2533-17 Interior Designer.
232511 环境设计师 Environmental Designer
232511 住宅室内设计师 Residential Interior Designer
232511 零售室内设计师 Retail Interior Designer
ANZSCO 232511 室内设计师 Interior Designer
232511 室内设计师职业描述 Job description
室内设计师规划、设计、详述和管理商业、工业、零售业和住宅建筑物,按照目标制造环境,着重在空间创造、空间规划以及能提高居住和生活环境的其他因素上。Plans, designs, details and supervises the construction of commercial, industrial, retail and residential building interiors to produce an environment tailored to a purpose, with particular emphasis on space creation, space planning, and factors that enhance living and working environments.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2533-17 Interior Designer.
232511 室内设计师职位别名
232511 商业室内设计师 Commercial Interior Designer232511 环境设计师 Environmental Designer
232511 住宅室内设计师 Residential Interior Designer
232511 零售室内设计师 Retail Interior Designer
232511 室内设计师技术等级 Skill level
室内设计师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
232511 室内设计师所属职业列表