ANZSCO 224411 情报官 Intelligence Officer
Collects and analyses information and data to produce intelligence for an organisation to support planning, operations and human resource functions.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2299-19Intelligence Officer.
ANZSCO 224411 情报官 Intelligence Officer
224411 情报官职业描述 Job description
情报官收集并分析信息和数据,为计划、操作、人资部门提供情报。Collects and analyses information and data to produce intelligence for an organisation to support planning, operations and human resource functions.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2299-19Intelligence Officer.
224411 情报官职位别名
224411 刑事情报分析师 Criminal Intelligence Analyst224411 防御情报分析师 Defence Intelligence Analyst
224411 情报官技术等级 Skill level
情报官的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)