ANZSCO 251512 工业药剂师 Industrial Pharmacist
Undertakes research, testing and analysis related to the development, production, storage, quality control and distribution of drugs and related supplies. Registration or licensing is required.
251513 零售药剂师 Retail Pharmacist
ANZSCO 251512 工业药剂师 Industrial Pharmacist
251512 工业药剂师职业描述 Job description
工业药剂师从事药物和相关供应品开发、生产、储存、质量控制和分配方面的研究、测试和分析。需要注册或许可。Undertakes research, testing and analysis related to the development, production, storage, quality control and distribution of drugs and related supplies. Registration or licensing is required.
251512 工业药剂师技术等级 Skill level
工业药剂师的技能等级为1(ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。
251512 工业药剂师所属职业列表
251511 医院药剂师 Hospital Pharmacist251513 零售药剂师 Retail Pharmacist