ANZSCO 224913 移民代理(澳洲) Migration Agent (Aus)
224913 移民代理(澳洲)职业描述 Job description
移民代理(澳洲)为潜在的移民者提供建议和服务,准备并提交签证申请,在签证处理期间和资料审查之前作为客户的中介. 与合法的职业人员在司法审核相关事务方面进行沟通.。可能需要注册或工作许可。
Provides information and advice to potential migrants, prepares and lodges visa applications, and acts as an intermediary to legally represent clients during visa processing and before review bodies. Liaises with Legal Professionals in relation to judicial review matters. Registration or licensing may be required.
224913 移民代理(澳洲)职位别名
224913 移民顾问 Immigration Consultant
224913 移民代理(澳洲)技术等级 Skill level
移民代理(澳洲)的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
224913 移民代理(澳洲)所属职业列表
224911 选民主任 Electorate Officer224912 联络官 Liaison Officer
224914 专利审查员 Patents Examiner
224999 信息和组织专业人员NEC Information and Organisation Professionals nec