ANZSCO 232412 插图画家 Illustrator
Plans, designs, develops, and prepares pictures and diagrams to communicate messages, clarify meaning, assist in presentations and illustrate stories, using traditional and digital media such as drawing, painting, drafting, collage, models, photography, and image capture and manipulation software.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2533-19 Illustrator.
232412 动漫设计师 Cartoonist
232412 工艺插图者 Technical Illustrator
232413 多媒体设计师 Multimedia Designer
232414 网页设计师 Web Designer
ANZSCO 232412 插图画家 Illustrator
232412 插图画家职业描述 Job description
插图画家用传统媒体和数字媒体诸如绘图,拼图,模型、摄影、影像采集等方法,规划、设计并准备图片和图表以传递信息,阐明意图,帮助演示故事。Plans, designs, develops, and prepares pictures and diagrams to communicate messages, clarify meaning, assist in presentations and illustrate stories, using traditional and digital media such as drawing, painting, drafting, collage, models, photography, and image capture and manipulation software.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2533-19 Illustrator.
232412 插图画家职位别名
232412 动画设计师 Animator232412 动漫设计师 Cartoonist
232412 工艺插图者 Technical Illustrator
232412 插图画家技术等级 Skill level
插图画家的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
232412 插图画家所属职业列表
232411 平面设计师 Graphic Designer232413 多媒体设计师 Multimedia Designer
232414 网页设计师 Web Designer