ANZSCO 222212 期货操盘手 Futures Trader
222213 证券经纪交易商 Stockbroking Dealer
222299 其他未分类金融交易商 Financial Dealers nec
ANZSCO 222212 期货操盘手 Futures Trader
222212 期货操盘手职业描述 Job description
Buys and sells commodity futures on behalf of clients. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 3212-13 Futures Trader.
222212 期货操盘手技术等级 Skill level
期货操盘手的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)222212 期货操盘手所属职业列表
222211 金融市场经销商 Financial Market Dealer222213 证券经纪交易商 Stockbroking Dealer
222299 其他未分类金融交易商 Financial Dealers nec