ANZSCO 234113 林务员 Forester
Studies, develops and manages forest areas to maintain commercial and recreational uses, conserve flora and fauna, and protect against fire, pests and diseases.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2114-13 Forester.
234113 林业顾问 Forestry Adviser
234113 林业顾问 Forestry Consultant
234112 农业科学家 Agricultural Scientist
ANZSCO 234113 林务员 Forester
234113 林务员职业描述 Job description
林务员负责研究、开发并管理森林地区以用于商业和娱乐休闲,保护动植物,预防火灾,病虫灾害。Studies, develops and manages forest areas to maintain commercial and recreational uses, conserve flora and fauna, and protect against fire, pests and diseases.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2114-13 Forester.
234113 林务员职位别名
234113 林业科学家 Forest Scientist234113 林业顾问 Forestry Adviser
234113 林业顾问 Forestry Consultant
234113 林务员技术等级 Skill Level
林务员的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)234113 林务员所属职业列表
234111 农业顾问 Agricultural Consultant234112 农业科学家 Agricultural Scientist