ANZSCO 234313 环境研究科学家 Environmental Research Scientist
Studies and develops policies and plans for the control of factors which may produce pollution, imbalance in or degradation of the environment.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2114-11 Environmental Research Scientist.
234313 空气污染分析师 Air Pollution Analyst
234313 生态学家 Ecologist
234313 土地退化分析师 Land Degradation Analyst
234313 水质分析师 Water Quality Analyst
234312 环境顾问 Environmental Consultant
234314 护林员 Park Ranger
234399 其他环境科学家 Environmental Scientists nec
ANZSCO 234313 环境研究科学家 Environmental Research Scientist
234313 环境研究科学家职业描述 Job description
环境研究科学家为可能造成环境污染,环境失衡或者环境破坏的控制因素研究和制定政策和计划 。Studies and develops policies and plans for the control of factors which may produce pollution, imbalance in or degradation of the environment.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2114-11 Environmental Research Scientist.
234313 环境研究科学家职位别名
234313 环境分析师 Environmental Scientist234313 空气污染分析师 Air Pollution Analyst
234313 生态学家 Ecologist
234313 土地退化分析师 Land Degradation Analyst
234313 水质分析师 Water Quality Analyst
234313 环境研究科学家所属职业列表
234311 自然保护官员 Conservation Officer234312 环境顾问 Environmental Consultant
234314 护林员 Park Ranger
234399 其他环境科学家 Environmental Scientists nec