ANZSCO 224911 选举官员 Electorate Officer
224913移民顾问 Immigration Consultant
224914 专利审查员 Patents Examiner
224999 信息和组织专业人员NEC Information and Organisation Professionals nec
ANZSCO 224911 选举官员 Electorate Officer
224911 选举官员职业描述 Job description
选举官员负责政治家的办公室事务, 与其中的工作人员和媒体沟通。
Manages the electorate office of a politician, and liaises with constituents and the media on their behalf.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2549-13 Electorate Officer.224911 选举官员技术等级 Skill level
选举官员的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
224911 选举官员所属职业列表
224912 联络官 Liaison Officer224913移民顾问 Immigration Consultant
224914 专利审查员 Patents Examiner
224999 信息和组织专业人员NEC Information and Organisation Professionals nec