ANZSCO 224311 经济学家 Economist
224311 经济分析师 Agricultural Economist
224311 计量经济学家 Econometrician
224311 经济预测员 Economic Forecaster
224311 环境经济学家 Environmental Economist
224311 健康经济学家 Health Economist
224311 劳工市场经济学家 Labour Market Economist
224311 矿物经济学家 Mineral Economist
224311 课税经济学家 Taxation Economist
ANZSCO 224311 经济学家 Economist
224311 经济学家职业描述 Job description
Performs economic research and analysis, develops and applies theories about production and distribution of goods and services and people‘s spending and financial behaviour, and provides advice to governments and organisations on economic policy issues.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2522-11 Economist.224311 经济学家职位别名
224311 经济分析师 Economic Analyst224311 经济分析师 Agricultural Economist
224311 计量经济学家 Econometrician
224311 经济预测员 Economic Forecaster
224311 环境经济学家 Environmental Economist
224311 健康经济学家 Health Economist
224311 劳工市场经济学家 Labour Market Economist
224311 矿物经济学家 Mineral Economist
224311 课税经济学家 Taxation Economist
224311 经济学家技术等级 Skill level
经济学家的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)