ANZSCO 249213 戏剧老师(补习) Drama Teacher (Private Tuition)
Teaches students in the practice, theory and performance of drama in private training establishments. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2491-17 Drama Teacher (Private).
249212舞蹈老师(补习) Dance Teacher (Private Tuition)
249214音乐教师(补习) Music Teacher (Private Tuition)
249299私人导师和教师 Private Tutors and Teachers nec
ANZSCO 249213 戏剧老师(补习) Drama Teacher (Private Tuition)
249213 戏剧老师(补习)职业描述 Job description
戏剧老师(补习)在私立培训机构教授学生戏剧理论、实践及表演。Teaches students in the practice, theory and performance of drama in private training establishments. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2491-17 Drama Teacher (Private).
249213 戏剧老师(补习)职位别名
249213 朗诵教师 Elocution Teacher
249213 戏剧老师(补习)技术等级 Skill Level
249213 戏剧老师(补习)的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)249213 戏剧老师(补习)所属职业列表
249211 美术教师(补习) Art Teacher (Private Tuition)249212舞蹈老师(补习) Dance Teacher (Private Tuition)
249214音乐教师(补习) Music Teacher (Private Tuition)
249299私人导师和教师 Private Tutors and Teachers nec