ANZSCO 111111 首席执行官或常务董事 Chief Executive or Managing Director
111111 首席执行官或常务董事首席执行官或常务董事职业描述 Job description
Determines, formulates and reviews the general policy programme and the overall direction of an organisation within the framework established by a board of directors or similar governing body
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 1112-11 General Manager.
111111 首席执行官或常务董事职位别名
111111 首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer
111111 总干事(理事长) Director-General
111111 常务董事(执行理事) Executive Director
111111 部长(政府部门)(澳大利亚) Secretary (Government Department) (Aus)
111111 首席执行官或常务董事技术等级 Skill level
首席执行官或常务董事的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
111111 首席执行官或常务董事所属职业列表