ANZSCO 234211 化学家 Chemist
Studies the chemical and physical properties of substances, and develops and monitors chemical processes and production.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2111-11 Chemist.
234211 工业化学师 Industrial Chemist
234213 酿酒师 Wine Maker
ANZSCO 234211 化学家 Chemist
234211 化学家职业描述 Job description
化学家研究物质的化学及物理特性,研发并监督化学加工和化学生产。Studies the chemical and physical properties of substances, and develops and monitors chemical processes and production.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2111-11 Chemist.
234211 化学家职位别名
234211 分析化学师 Analytical Chemist234211 工业化学师 Industrial Chemist
234211 化学家技术等级 Skill Level
化学家的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
234211 化学家所属职业列表
234212 食品工艺师 Food Technologist234213 酿酒师 Wine Maker