ANZSCO 233111 化学工程师 Chemical Engineer
Designs and prepares specifications for chemical process systems and the construction and operation of commercial-scale chemical plants, and supervises industrial processing and fabrication of products undergoing physical and chemical changes.Registration or licensing may be required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2129-17 Engineer - Chemical Engineer
ANZSCO 233111 化学工程师 Chemical Engineer
233111 化学工程师职业描述 Job description
化学工程师负责设计和准备化学处理系统和商业规模的化学工厂&建设的运作规范,监控产品的工业加工中的物理和化学变化。可能需要注册或许可。Designs and prepares specifications for chemical process systems and the construction and operation of commercial-scale chemical plants, and supervises industrial processing and fabrication of products undergoing physical and chemical changes.Registration or licensing may be required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2129-17 Engineer - Chemical Engineer
233111 化学工程师技术等级 Skill level
化学工程师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
233111 化学工程师所属职业列表