ANZSCO 212212 图书或剧本编辑 Book or Script Editor
212212 图书或剧本编辑职业描述 Job description
Evaluates manuscripts of books or scripts to determine suitability for publication or production, and edits and supervises material in preparation for publication or for production on film, television, radio or stage. Previously referred to in ASCO as:2535-13 Book Editor 2535-15 Script Editor.
212212 图书或剧本编辑职位别名
212212 剧本协调员 Script Coordinator
212212 图书或剧本编辑技术等级 Skill level
图书或剧本编辑的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
212212 图书或剧本编辑所属职业列表
212211 作家 Author