ANZSCO 224211 档案保管员 Archivist
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2299-15 Archivist.
224211 法律档案保管员 Legal Archivist
224211 手稿保管员 Manuscripts Archivist
224211 议会档案保管员 Parliamentary Archivist
224213 卫生信息管理员 Health Information Manager
224214 记录管理员 Records Manager
ANZSCO 224211 档案保管员 Archivist
224211 档案保管员职业描述 Job description
档案保管员分析文件记录,规划组织妥善保管有历史价值的文档。Analyses and documents records, and plans and organises systems and procedures for the safekeeping of records and historically valuable documents.Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2299-15 Archivist.
224211 档案保管员职位别名
224211 胶片保管员 Film Archivist224211 法律档案保管员 Legal Archivist
224211 手稿保管员 Manuscripts Archivist
224211 议会档案保管员 Parliamentary Archivist
224211 档案保管员技术等级 Skill level
档案保管员的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
224211 档案保管员所属职业列表
224212 画廊或博物馆馆长 Gallery or Museum Curator224213 卫生信息管理员 Health Information Manager
224214 记录管理员 Records Manager