ANZSCO 232111 建筑师 Architect
Plans and designs buildings, provides concepts, plans, specifications and detailed drawings, negotiates with builders and advises on the procurement of buildings. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as:2121-11 Architect.
ANZSCO 232111 建筑师 Architect
232111 建筑师职业描述 Job description
建筑师负责规划并设计建筑,提供构思、规划、技术规范及详图,与承建商协商,给予建筑采购建议。要求注册证或许可。Plans and designs buildings, provides concepts, plans, specifications and detailed drawings, negotiates with builders and advises on the procurement of buildings. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as:2121-11 Architect.
232111 建筑师职位别名
232111 文物保护建筑师 Conservation or Heritage Architect
232111 建筑师技术等级 Skill level
建筑师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)