ANZSCO 231112 空中交通管制员 Air Traffic Controller
Ensures the safe and efficient movement of aircraft in controlled airspace and aerodromes by directing aircraft movements. Registration or licensing is required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as:
2541-13 Air Traffic Controller
2541-15 Flight Service Officer
231113 飞行教练 Flying Instructor
231114 直升机飞行员 Helicopter Pilot
231199 航空运输专业人员NEC Air Transport Professionals nec
ANZSCO 231112 空中交通管制员 Air Traffic Controller
231112 空中交通管制员职业描述 Job description
空中交通管制员负责在飞行区域内或飞机场,指挥飞行,确保飞机安全有效飞行。需要注册或许可。Ensures the safe and efficient movement of aircraft in controlled airspace and aerodromes by directing aircraft movements. Registration or licensing is required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as:
2541-13 Air Traffic Controller
2541-15 Flight Service Officer
231112 空中交通管制员技术等级 Skill level
空中交通管制员的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
231112 空中交通管制员所属职业列表
231111 飞机飞行员 Aeroplane Pilot231113 飞行教练 Flying Instructor
231114 直升机飞行员 Helicopter Pilot
231199 航空运输专业人员NEC Air Transport Professionals nec