ANZSCO 233911 航空工程师 Aeronautical Engineer
Performs and supervises engineering work concerned with the design, development, manufacture, maintenance and modification of aircraft for flight.Registration or licensing may be required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as:2129-11 Engineer - Aeronautical Engineer.
233911 航天工程师 Aerospace Engineer
233911 航天工程人员-航空(空军) Aerospace Engineer Officer - Aeronautical (Air Force)
233911 航天工程人员-军备(空军) Aerospace Engineer Officer - Armament (Air Force)
233911 航天工程人员-电子设备(空军) Aerospace Engineer Officer - Electronics (Air Force)
233911 航空电子系统工程师 Avionics Systems Engineer
233913 生物医学工程师 Biomedical Engineer
233914 工程技师 Engineering Technologist
233915 环境工程师 Environmental Engineer
233916 海军设计师 Marine Designer
233999 其他工程专业人员 Engineering Professionals nec
ANZSCO 233911 航空工程师 Aeronautical Engineer
233911 航空工程师职业描述 Job description
航空工程师负责执行并监督与飞机设计、研发、制造及维修相关的工程工作。可能需要注册或许可。Performs and supervises engineering work concerned with the design, development, manufacture, maintenance and modification of aircraft for flight.Registration or licensing may be required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as:2129-11 Engineer - Aeronautical Engineer.
233911 航空工程师职位别名
233911 航空工程人员 Aeronautical Engineering Officer (Navy)233911 航天工程师 Aerospace Engineer
233911 航天工程人员-航空(空军) Aerospace Engineer Officer - Aeronautical (Air Force)
233911 航天工程人员-军备(空军) Aerospace Engineer Officer - Armament (Air Force)
233911 航天工程人员-电子设备(空军) Aerospace Engineer Officer - Electronics (Air Force)
233911 航空电子系统工程师 Avionics Systems Engineer
233911 兵器航空工程人员(海军) Weapons Aeronautical Engineering Officer (Navy)
233911 航空工程师技术等级 Skill Level
航空工程师的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
233911 航空工程师所属职业列表
233912 农业工程师 Agricultural Engineer233913 生物医学工程师 Biomedical Engineer
233914 工程技师 Engineering Technologist
233915 环境工程师 Environmental Engineer
233916 海军设计师 Marine Designer
233999 其他工程专业人员 Engineering Professionals nec