ANZSCO 211111 演员 Actor
211111 演员 Actor职业描述 Job description
Entertains by portraying roles in film, television, radio and stage productions. This occupation requires high levels of creative talent or personal commitment and interest as well as, or in place of, formal qualifications or experience.
211111 演员 Actor职位别名
211111 哑剧大师 Mime Artist
211111 画外音艺术家 Voice-over Artist
211111 演员技术等级 Skill level
演员的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
211111 演员 Actor所属职业列表
211112舞蹈演员及编舞 Dancer or Choreographer
211113艺人或综艺艺术家 Entertainer or Variety Artist
211199 演员,舞蹈家和其他艺人NEC Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers nec