ANZSCO 221111 会计师(普通) Accountant (General)
221111 破产顾问 Insolvency Consultant
221111 破产执行人 Insolvency Practitioner
221113税务会计师 Taxation Accountant
ANZSCO 221111 会计师(普通) Accountant (General)
221111 会计师(普通)职业描述 Job description
Plans and provides systems and services relating to the financial dealings of organisations and individuals, and advises on associated record-keeping and compliance requirements. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as:2211-11 Accountant.
221111 会计师(普通)职位别名
221111 财务分析师 Financial Analyst221111 破产顾问 Insolvency Consultant
221111 破产执行人 Insolvency Practitioner
221111 会计师(普通)技术等级 Skill level
会计师(普通)的技能等级为1 (ANZSCO Skill Level 1)
221111 会计师(普通)所属职业列表
221112管理会计师 Management Accountant221113税务会计师 Taxation Accountant