## 9222 电子制造业的主管 Supervisors, electronics manufacturing - LEVEL B
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who assemble, fabricate, test, repair and inspect electronic parts, components and systems. They are employed in electronics manufacturing plants.
## 9222 电子制造业的主管头衔范例 Example Titles
* 组装和测试主管 - 电子设备制造业 assembly and testing supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 最后的组装和测试领班/男/女 - 电子设备制造业 final assembly and testing foreman/woman – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,电子装配 foreman/woman, electronic assembly
* 领班/男/女,印刷电路板制造 foreman/woman, printed circuit board fabrication
* 生产主管 - 电子产品制造 production supervisor – electronics manufacturing
* 主管,通信设备组装 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor, communications equipment assembly – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 系统测试工头/男/女 - 电子设备制造业 systems test foreman/woman – electronic equipment manufacturing
## 9222 电子制造业的主管主要职责 Main duties
本单元组主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:
* 监督,协调和调度工人组装,制造,检查和测试电子和机电组件,部件,零件和组件的活动
Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who assemble, fabricate, inspect and test electronic and electromechanical assemblies, subassemblies, parts and components
* 建立方法,以满足工作计划,并协调与其他部门的工作活动
Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments
* 解决工作中的问题并建议工作措施,以提高生产力
Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity
* 申报材料和用品
Requisition materials and supplies
* 培训工作人员的工作职责,安全程序和公司的政策,并举荐人才,如聘用和升迁
Train workers in job duties, safety procedures and company policies and recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions
* 确保遵守安全规则及规例
Ensure safety rules and regulations are followed
* 准备生产和其他报告
Prepare production and other reports
* 亦可组装机器和设备
May set up machines and equipment
* 监督,协调和安排相关佣工及劳动者的活动。
Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of related helpers and labourers.
## 9222 电子制造业的主管任职要求 Employment requirements
* 必需完成中学学业。
Completion of secondary school is required.
* 通常需要几年的电子汇编,制作者,督察人员或测试人员的经验。
Several years of experience as an electronics assembler, fabricator, inspector or tester are usually required.
* 必需具备电子或相关学科的中学后教育。
Post-secondary education in electronics or a related discipline is required.
## 9222 电子制造业的主管其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 电气和电子工程技术人员和技术人员 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians 2241(2241)
* 电子装配,制造,检验人员和测试人员 Electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testers 9523(9523)
* 电子服务技术员(家用和商用设备) Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment) 2242(2242)
* 主管,电器产品制造业 Supervisors, electrical products manufacturing 9223(9223)
## 9222 电子制造业的主管职称头衔 All titles
* 组装和测试领班/男/女 - 电子制造业 assembly and test foreman/woman – electronics manufacturing
* 组装和测试主管 - 电子设备制造业 assembly and testing supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 装配领班/男/女,半导体 assembly foreman/woman, semiconductors
* 装配主管 - 电子设备制造业 assembly supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 整机组装业务和商业主管 business and commercial machine assembly supervisor
* 企业和商业机器装配领班/男/女 business and commercial machines assembly foreman/woman
* 线圈绕组领班/男/女 - 电子制造业 coil winding foreman/woman – electronics manufacturing
* 通信设备装配领班/男/女 - 电子产品制造 communications equipment assembly foreman/woman – electronics manufacturing
* 通信设备测试主管 - 电子产品制造 communications equipment testing supervisor – electronics manufacturing
* 水晶加工领班/男/女 - 电子制造 crystal processing foreman/woman – electronics manufacturing
* 电子装配领班/男/女 electronic assembly foreman/woman
* 电子装配主管 electronic assembly supervisor
* 电子设备制造和装配领班/男/女 electronic equipment fabricating and assembling foreman/woman
* 电子设备的制造和装配主管 electronic equipment fabricating and assembling supervisor
* 电子设备制造和装配工人领班/男/女 electronic equipment fabricating and assembling workers foreman/woman
* 电子巡查领班/男/女 - 电子产品制造 electronic inspection foreman/woman – electronics manufacturing
* 电子制造领班/男/女 electronics manufacturing foreman/woman
* 电子制造主管 electronics manufacturing supervisor
* 最后的组装和测试领班/男/女 - 电子设备制造业 final assembly and testing foreman/woman – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 最后的组装和测试主管 - 电子设备制造业 final assembly and testing supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 领班/男/女 - 电子设备制造业 foreman/woman – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,商业和商业机器组装 foreman/woman, business and commercial machines assembly
* 领班/男/女,电子装配 foreman/woman, electronic assembly
* 领班/男/女,电子设备制造和装配 foreman/woman, electronic equipment fabricating and assembling
* 领班/男/女,电子设备制造和组装工人 foreman/woman, electronic equipment fabricating and assembling workers
* 领班/男/女,电子报检 - 电子产品制造 foreman/woman, electronic inspection – electronics manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,电子制造业 foreman/woman, electronics manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,最后的组装和测试 - 电子产品制造 foreman/woman, final assembly and test – electronics manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,稽查人员和测试人员 - 电子设备制造,装配,安装和维修 foreman/woman, inspectors and testers – electronic equipment fabrication, assembly, installation and repair
* 领班/男/女, PCB (印刷电路板)制造 foreman/woman, PCB (printed circuit board) fabrication
* 领班/男/女,印刷电路板(PCB)制造 - 电子设备制造业 foreman/woman, printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,印刷电路板制造 foreman/woman, printed circuit board fabrication
* 领班/男/女,生产 - 电子设备制造业 foreman/woman, production – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,半导体装配 foreman/woman, semiconductor assembly
* 领班/男/女,系统测试 - 电子制造业 foreman/woman, systems test – electronics manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,测试 - 电子设备制造业 foreman/woman, testing – electronic equipment manufacturing
* IC (集成电路)制造主管 - 电子设备制造业 IC (integrated circuit) fabrication supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 监察员和测试员领班/男/女 - 电子设备制造,装配,安装和维修 inspectors and testers foreman/woman – electronic equipment fabrication, assembly, installation and repair
* 集成电路( IC)制造主管 - 电子设备制造业 integrated circuit (IC) fabrication supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* PCB (印刷电路板)制造领班/男/女 - 电子设备制造业 PCB (printed circuit board) fabrication foreman/woman – electronic equipment manufacturing
* PCB (印刷电路板)制造主管 - 电子设备制造业 PCB (printed circuit board) fabrication supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 印刷电路板( PCB )制造领班/男/女 - 电子设备制造业 printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication foreman/woman – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 印刷电路板( PCB )制造主管 - 电子设备制造业 printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 生产领班/男/女 - 电子产品制造 production foreman/woman – electronics manufacturing
* 生产主管 - 电子产品制造 production supervisor – electronics manufacturing
* 半导体装配领班/男/女 semiconductor assembly foreman/woman
* 主管 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 主管,装配和测试 supervisor, assembly and test
* 主管,组装和测试 - 电子产品制造 supervisor, assembly and test – electronics manufacturing
* 主管,组装和测试电子设备制造业 supervisor, assembly and test electronic equipment manufacturing
* 主管,通信设备组装 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor, communications equipment assembly – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 主管,通信设备测试 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor, communications equipment testing – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 主管,通信设备测试 - 电子产品制造 supervisor, communications equipment testing – electronics manufacturing
* 主管,电子装配 supervisor, electronic assembly
* 主管,电子设备的制造和装配 supervisor, electronic equipment fabricating and assembling
* 电子制造业的主管 supervisor, electronics manufacturing
* 主管,总装和测试 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor, final assembly and testing – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 主管,集成的电路板制造 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor, integrated-circuit-board fabrication – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 主管,生产 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor, production – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 主管,系统测试 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor, systems testing – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 主管,测试 - 电子设备制造业 supervisor, testing – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 系统测试领班/男/女 systems test foreman/woman
* 的系统测试工头/男/女 - 电子设备制造业 systems test foreman/woman – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 测试主管 - 电子设备制造业 test supervisor – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 测试主管 - 电子产品制造 test supervisor – electronics manufacturing
* 测试领班/男/女 - 电子设备制造业 testing foreman/woman – electronic equipment manufacturing
* 测试主管,通讯设备 - 电子设备制造业 testing supervisor, communications equipment – electronic equipment manufacturing