## 9214 塑料和橡胶制品制造业的主管 Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing - LEVEL B
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who operate processing machines and who fabricate, assemble and inspect rubber or plastic products. They are employed by rubber and plastic products manufacturing companies and in plastic parts divisions of other manufacturing companies.
## 9214 塑料和橡胶制品制造业的主管头衔范例 Example Titles
* 领班/男/女,吹塑 foreman/woman, blow moulding
* 领班/男/女,压延 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, calendering – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,挤压 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, extruding – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 主管,注塑成型 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, injection moulding – plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,塑料制品制造 supervisor, plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,橡胶制品制造 supervisor, rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,轮胎制造 supervisor, tire building
## 9214 塑料和橡胶制品制造业的主管主要职责 Main duties
本单元组主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:
* 监督,协调和调度操作加工机器的产品线工人和制造,组装,整理或检查塑料或橡胶部件和产品的工人的活动
Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of production workers who operate processing machines and who fabricate, assemble, finish or inspect plastic or rubber parts and products
* 建立方法,以满足工作计划,协调与其他部门的工作活动
Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments
* 解决工作中的问题,建议措施,以提高生产率和产品质量
Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality
* 申报材料和用品
Requisition materials and supplies
* 培训工作人员的工作职责,安全程序和公司政策
Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies
* 推荐人事,如聘用和晋升
Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions
* 准备生产和其他报告
Prepare production and other reports
* 亦可配置机器和设备。
May set up machines and equipment.
## 9214 塑料和橡胶制品制造业的主管任职要求 Employment requirements
* 通常需要完成中学学业。
Completion of secondary school is usually required.
* 本组的某些职位要求具备科学或塑料技术的中学后教育。
Post-secondary education in sciences or plastics technology may be required for some positions in this group.
* 在橡胶或塑料制品制造行业的装配工或机器操作员通常需要几年的经验,。
Several years of experience as a machine operator or an assembler in rubber or plastic products manufacturing is usually required.
## 9214 塑料和橡胶制品制造业的主管其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者 Labourers in rubber and plastic products manufacturing 9615(9615)
* 塑料产品装配工,整理工和检查员 Plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors 9535(9535)
* 塑料加工机械操作员 Plastics processing machine operators 9422(9422)
* 橡胶加工机器操作员及有关人员 Rubber processing machine operators and related workers 9423(9423)
## 9214 塑料和橡胶制品制造业的主管职称头衔 All titles
* 装配领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 assemblers foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 装配主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 assemblers supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 汽车轮胎制造商领班/男/女 automobile tire builders foreman/woman
* 皮带建筑工头/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产的 belt building foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 吹塑领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 blow moulding foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 压延领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 calendering foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 复合领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 compounding foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 压缩成型领班/男/女 - 橡胶及制品制造 compression moulding foreman/woman – rubber and products manufacturing
* 输送带领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 conveyor belt foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 固化领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 curing foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 固化主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 curing supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 挤出主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 extruding supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 挤出领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 extrusion foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 挤出主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 extrusion supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 玻璃纤维塑料领班/男/女 fibreglass plastics foreman/woman
* 玻璃纤维塑料加工主管 fibreglass plastics processing supervisor
* 橡胶和塑料生产的整理和修剪领班/男/女 - finishing and trimming foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 整理和修剪主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 finishing and trimming supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 完成主管 - 塑料制品制造 finishing supervisor – plastic products manufacturing
* 完成主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 finishing supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 泡沫产品检验领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 foam products inspection foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 发泡制品检验主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 foam products inspection supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 鞋类检验领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 footwear inspection foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 鞋类检验主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 footwear inspection supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,装配 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, assemblers – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,带建设 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, belt building – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,吹塑 foreman/woman, blow moulding
* 领班/男/女,吹塑机 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, blow moulding – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,压延 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, calendering – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,输送带建设 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, conveyor belt building – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,固化 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, curing – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,挤压 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, extruding – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,挤出 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, extrusion – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,玻璃纤维塑料 foreman/woman, fibreglass plastics
* 领班/男/女,精加工 - 塑料制造 foreman/woman, finishing – plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,精加工 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, finishing – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,整理和修剪 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, finishing and trimming – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,发泡制品检验 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, foam products inspection – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,鞋类检验 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, footwear inspection – rubber manufacturing
* 注塑领班/男/女, - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, injection moulding – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,消光检查 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, matting inspection – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,混合 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, mixing – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,模压橡胶鞋 foreman/woman, moulded rubber footwear
* 领班/男/女,成型 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, moulding – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 塑料制品 foreman/woman, paint department – plastic products
* 领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 橡胶制品 foreman/woman, paint department – rubber products
* 领班/男/女,塑料督察 foreman/woman, plastic inspectors
* 领班/男/女,塑料制品制造 foreman/woman, plastic products manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,塑料加工店 foreman/woman, plastics-processing shop
* 领班/男/女,翻新轮胎检查 foreman/woman, retread tire inspection
* 领班/男/女,滚建设 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, roll building – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,橡胶制品浸渍 foreman/woman, rubber goods dipping
* 领班/男/女,胶管建设 foreman/woman, rubber hose building
* 领班/男/女,橡胶软管的检查和测试 foreman/woman, rubber hose inspection and testing
* 领班/男/女,橡胶制品督察 foreman/woman, rubber products inspectors
* 领班/男/女,橡胶制品制造业 foreman/woman, rubber products manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,snowtrack - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, snowtrack – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,备料 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, stock preparation – rubber manufacturing
* 领班/男/女,轮胎建设 foreman/woman, tire building
* 领班/男/女,轮胎整理 foreman/woman, tire finishing
* 领班/男/女,轮胎检查 foreman/woman, tire inspection
* 领班/男/女,轮胎翻新 foreman/woman, tire retread
* 领班/男/女,轮胎备料 foreman/woman, tire stock preparation
* 领班/男/女,硫化 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, vulcanizing – rubber manufacturing
* 软管建筑工头/男/女 - 橡胶制造 hose building foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 注塑领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 injection moulding foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 注塑主管 - 塑料制品制造 injection moulding supervisor – plastic products manufacturing
* 内胎建筑工头/男/女 inner tube building foreman/woman
* 消光检查领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 matting inspection foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 消光检验主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 matting inspection supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 面粉厂领班/男/女 - 橡胶制品制造业 millroom foreman/woman – rubber products manufacturing
* 面粉厂主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 millroom supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 混合主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 mixing supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 模塑鞋类检验主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 moulded footwear inspection supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 模压橡胶鞋领班/男/女 moulded rubber footwear foreman/woman
* 注塑领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 moulding foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing
* 成型主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 moulding supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 涂料部门主管 - 塑料制品制造 paint department supervisor – plastic products manufacturing
* 油漆部门主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 paint department supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 塑料制品检验主管 plastic products inspection supervisor
* 塑料制品督察监督员 plastic products inspectors supervisor
* 塑料制品制造主管 plastic products manufacturing supervisor
* 塑料车间领班/男/女 plastics shop foreman/woman
* 塑料加工店主管 plastics-processing shop supervisor
* 翻新轮胎检测领班/男/女 retread tire inspection foreman/woman
* 翻新轮胎检测主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 retread tire inspection supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 滚建筑工头/男/女 - 橡胶的制造 roll building foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 滚建设主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 roll building supervisor – rubber products manufacturing
* 胶鞋成型主管 rubber footwear moulding supervisor
* 橡胶油箱领班/男/女 rubber fuel tank foreman/woman
* 橡胶垫片领班/男/女 rubber gasket making foreman/woman
* 橡胶制品浸渍领班/男/女 rubber goods dipping foreman/woman
* 橡胶制品浸渍主管 rubber goods dipping supervisor
* 橡胶软管建筑物主管 rubber hose building supervisor
* 橡胶软管领班/男/女 rubber hose foreman/woman
* 橡胶软管的检查和测试领班/男/女 rubber hose inspection and testing foreman/woman
* 橡胶制品检验主管 rubber products inspection supervisor
* 橡胶制品督察监督员 rubber products inspectors supervisor
* 橡胶制品生产主管 rubber products manufacturing supervisor
* 采样主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 sampling supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* snowtrack领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 snowtrack foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 雾化室主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 spray chamber supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 备料领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 stock preparation foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 主管,装配 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, assemblers – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,固化 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, curing – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,挤出 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, extruding – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,挤出 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, extrusion – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,精加工 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, finishing – plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,精加工 - 橡胶制品制造 supervisor, finishing – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,整理和修剪 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, finishing and trimming – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,鞋类检验 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, footwear inspection – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,软管建筑 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, hose building – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,注塑成型 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, injection moulding – plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,内管建设 supervisor, inner tube building
* 主管,消光检查 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, matting inspection – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,millroom - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, millroom – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,混合 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, mixing – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,成型 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, moulding – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,涂料部门 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, paint department – plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,涂料部门 - 橡胶制品制造 supervisor, paint department – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,塑料制品检验 supervisor, plastic products inspection
* 主管,塑料制品督察 supervisor, plastic products inspectors
* 主管,塑料制品制造 supervisor, plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,塑料加工店 supervisor, plastics-processing shop
* 主管,质量控制 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, quality control – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,翻新轮胎的检查 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, retread tire inspection – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,滚动建设 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, roll building – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,胶鞋成型 supervisor, rubber footwear moulding
* 主管,橡胶制品浸渍 supervisor, rubber goods dipping
* 主管,胶管建设 supervisor, rubber hose building
* 主管,橡胶产品检验 supervisor, rubber products inspection
* 主管,橡胶制品督察 supervisor, rubber products inspectors
* 主管,橡胶制品制造 supervisor, rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,取样 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, sampling – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,盐雾试验箱 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, spray chamber – rubber and plastic products manufacturing
* 主管,热成型 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, thermoforming – plastics products manufacturing
* 主管,轮胎建设 supervisor, tire building
* 主管,轮胎整理 supervisor, tire finishing
* 主管,轮胎检查 supervisor, tire inspection
* 主管,轮胎翻新 supervisor, tire retreading
* 主管,轮胎备料 supervisor, tire stock preparation
* 主管,内胎建设 supervisor, tire tube building
* 主管,V型皮带建筑 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, V-belt building – rubber products manufacturing
* 主管,硫化 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, vulcanization – rubber products manufacturing
* 热领班/男/女 - 塑料制造 thermoforming foreman/woman – plastic manufacturing
* 热主管 - 塑料制品制造 thermoforming supervisor – plastic products manufacturing
* 轮胎建筑工头/男/女 tire building foreman/woman
* 轮胎成型主管 tire building supervisor
* 轮胎整理领班/女人 tire finishing foreman/woman
* 轮胎整理主管的 tire finishing supervisor
* 轮胎检查监督员 tire inspection supervisor
* 轮胎翻新领班/男/女 tire retread foreman/woman
* 轮胎翻新主管 tire retreading supervisor
* 轮胎备料领班/男/女 tire stock preparation foreman/woman
* V型皮带领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 V-belt foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing
* 硫化主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 vulcanization supervisor – rubber products manufacturing