8261 渔船船长和高级船员 Fishing masters and officers


## 8261 渔船船长和高级船员 Fishing masters and officers - LEVEL B 


Fishing masters and officers manage and operate saltwater and freshwater fishing vessels greater than 100 gross tonnes to pursue and land fish and other marine life. They are employed by establishments engaged in operating commercial fishing vessels. 

## 8261 渔船船长和高级船员头衔范例 Example Titles  

* 船长,海上渔船 captain, offshore fishing vessel 
* 甲板高级船员,渔船 deck officer, fishing vessel 
* 大副,渔船 first mate, fishing vessel 
* 渔船水手 fishing vessel boatswain 
* 渔船主 fishing vessel master 
* 渔船船长 trawler captain 

## 8261 渔船船长和高级船员主要职责 Main duties  

渔船船长和高级船员执行部分或全部下列职责:Fishing masters and officers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 命令渔船捕获鱼类和其他海洋生物 
Command fishing vessels to catch fish and other marine life 

* 使用圆规,图表,表格和其他辅助材料,确定捕鱼地区,标绘航线和计算航行位置。 
Determine areas for fishing, plot courses and compute navigational positions using compasses, charts, tables and other aids 

* 引导船只和操作导航仪器及电子捕鱼辅助工具,如回声测深仪和图表绘图 
Steer vessels and operate navigational instruments and electronic fishing aids such as echo sounders and chart plotters 

* 指导捕捞作业和监督船员活动 
Direct fishing operations and supervise crew activities 

* 在船舶的航海日志上记录捕捞进度,船员的活动,天气和海况 
Record fishing progress, crew activities, weather and sea conditions on ship's log 

* 选择和培训船员。 
Select and train vessel crews. 

## 8261 渔船船长和高级船员任职要求 Employment requirements  

* 通常需要一些中学教育。 
Some secondary school education is usually required. 

* 必需具有一到两年渔船渔工的经验。 
One to two years of experience as a fishing vessel deckhand is required. 

* 船长需要一年的负责观察的服务人员工作经验。 
Captains require one year of service as officer in charge of the watch. 

* 本单元组所有职业必需具备捕捞大师证书。 
A Fishing Master's Certificate is required for all occupations in this unit group. 

* 必需具有商业捕捞许可证。 
A commercial fishing licence is required. 

## 8261 渔船船长和高级船员附加信息 Additional information  

* 捕捞大师从IV级晋升到I级需要完成加拿大运输考试。培训课程由省级培训中心提供。 
Completion of Transport Canada examinations is required to advance from Fishing Master Class IV through Class I. Training programs are provided in provincial training centres. 

* 经过额外的培训和经验积累可能晋升到商人或政府船只职位(要求具有海事主任证书)。 
Progression to merchant or government vessel officer positions (which require a Marine Officer Certificate) is possible with additional training and experience. 

## 8261 渔船船长和高级船员其他分类 Classified elsewhere  

* 甲板人员,水路运输 Deck officers, water transport 2273(2273) 
* 渔民/男/女 Fishermen/women 8262(8262) 
* 渔船工程师要求加拿大运输部的许可(工程师人员,水运) Fishing vessel engineers requiring a Transport Canada licence (in 2274(2274) Engineer officers, water transport ) 

## 8261 渔船船长和高级船员职称头衔 All titles  

* 水手,渔船; boatswain, fishing vessel 
* 水手长,渔船 bo'sun, fishing vessel 
* 船长,工厂冷冻拖网渔船 captain, factory freezer trawler 
* 船长,渔船 captain, fishing vessel 
* 船长,海上渔船 captain, offshore fishing vessel 
* 甲板高级船员,渔船 deck officer, fishing vessel 
* 工厂冷冻渔船船长 factory freezer trawler captain 
* 大副,渔船 first mate, fishing vessel 
* 钓鱼高手 fishing master 
* 渔船水手 fishing vessel boatswain 
* 渔船水手长 fishing vessel bo'sun 
* 渔船船长 fishing vessel captain 
* 渔船甲板高级船员 fishing vessel deck officer 
* 渔船大副 fishing vessel first mate 
* 渔船主人 fishing vessel master 
* 渔船大副 fishing vessel mate 
* 渔船导航官 fishing vessel navigation officer 
* 渔船二副 fishing vessel second mate 
* 渔船主人 master, fishing vessel 
* 队友,渔船 mate, fishing vessel 
* 导航官,渔船 navigation officer, fishing vessel 
* 海上渔船船长 offshore fishing vessel captain 
* 二副,渔船 second mate, fishing vessel 
* 渔船船长 trawler captain