8211 伐木搬运业和林业主管 Supervisors, logging and forestry


## 8211 伐木搬运业和林业的主管 Supervisors, logging and forestry - LEVEL B 


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers engaged in logging operations and silvicultural operations. They are employed by logging companies, contractors and government agencies. 

## 8211 伐木搬运业和林业的主管头衔范例 Example Titles  

* 森林业务主管 forest operations supervisor 
* 林业船员主管 forestry crew supervisor 
* 钩招标 - 伐木 hook tender – logging 
* 砍伐承包商 logging contractor 
* 伐木领班/男/女 logging foreman/woman 
* 生产主管 - 伐木 production supervisor – logging 
* 育林主管 silviculture supervisor 
* 树林领班/男/女 woods foreman/woman 

## 8211 伐木搬运业和林业的主管主要职责 Main duties  

本单元组主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 监督和协调林地伐木和林业工作者的活动,他们往往分布在数平方公里内的几个工作地点 
Supervise and co-ordinate the activities of logging and forestry workers in woodland operations, often in several work locations over several square kilometres 

* 监管造林活动,如松土,种植和植被控制 
Oversee silvicultural activities such as scarification, planting and vegetation control 

* 为多个工作地点安排工作人员,设备和运输 
Schedule work crews, equipment and transportation for several work locations 

* 解决工作中的问题并建议措施,从而改进工作方法 
Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve work methods 

* 指导工人安全作业,认识不安全的工作环境,修改工作程序 
Instruct workers in safety, recognize unsafe work conditions and modify work procedures 

* 确保符合政府法规 
Ensure that government regulations are met 

* 与专业林业技术管理人员,沟通有关森林采伐和森林管理计划,程序和时间表等事宜 
Communicate with forestry technical, professional and management personnel regarding forest harvesting and forest management plans, procedures and schedules 

* 准备产品和其他报告 
Prepare production and other reports 

* 聘请和培训新员工。 
Hire and train new workers. 

## 8211 伐木搬运业和林业的主管任职要求 Employment requirements  

* 通常需要完成中学学习。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 林业技术专家或技术人员可能需要完成一到三年的大专课程。 
Completion of a one- to three-year college program for forestry technologists or technicians may be required. 

* 提供正规公司的培训和几个月的在职培训伐木。 
Formal company training and several months of on-the-job training are provided. 

* 伐木工,造林工人,或伐木机械运营商通常需要有几年的经验。 
Several years of experience as a logger, silvicultural worker, or logging machinery operator are usually required. 

* 具备化学应用许可证。 
A chemical application licence may be required. 

* 可能需要工业急救证书。 
An industrial first aid certificate may be required. 

## 8211 伐木搬运业和林业的主管其他分类 Classified elsewhere  

* 链锯,集材机运营商 Chain saw and skidder operators 8421(8421) 
* 林业技术专家和技术人员 Forestry technologists and technicians 2223(2223) 
* 伐木和林业经理(天然资源生产和渔业经理)Logging and forestry managers (in 0811(0811) Managers in natural resources production and fishing ) 
* 伐木机械运营商 Logging machinery operators 8241(8241) 
* 造林和林业工人Silviculture and forestry workers 8422(8422) 

## 8211 伐木搬运业和林业的主管职称头衔 All titles  

* 热潮大师 - 伐木 boom master – logging 
* 碎矿机主管 buckers supervisor 
* 承包,森林保护 contractor, forest conservation 
* 承包商,伐木 contractor, logging 
* 承包,造林 contractor, silviculture 
* 灭火船员领班/男/女 - 林业 fire suppression crew foreman/woman – forestry 
* 领班/男/女,林业 foreman/woman, forestry 
* 领班/男/女,伐木 foreman/woman, logging 
* 领班/男/女,种植船员 foreman/woman, planting crew 
* 领班/男/女,池塘 foreman/woman, pond 
* 森林业务主管 forest operations supervisor 
* 林业养护承包商 forestry conservation contractor 
* 林业船员主管 forestry crew supervisor 
* 林业工头/男/女 forestry foreman/woman 
* 林业主管 forestry supervisor 
* 抓斗集材绞盘机,钩招标 grapple yarder hook tender 
* 钩和钻机上司 - 伐木 hook and rig supervisor – logging 
* 钩招标 - 伐木 hook tender – logging 
* 加载领班/男/女 - 伐木 loading foreman/woman – logging 
* 伐木集材老板 log yarding boss 
* 伐木工人主管 - 林业 loggers supervisor – forestry 
* 砍伐承包商 logging contractor 
* 伐木船员主管 - 林业 logging crew supervisor – forestry 
* 伐木领班/男/女 logging foreman/woman 
* 伐木监督员 logging supervisor 
* 种植船员领班/男/女 planting crew foreman/woman 
* 池塘领班/男/女 pond foreman/woman 
* 生产主管 - 伐木 production supervisor – logging 
* 设置领班/男/女伐木 setting foreman/woman logging 
* 造林承包商 silviculture contractor 
* 育林主管 silviculture supervisor 
* 集材机领班/男/女 - 伐木 skidders foreman/woman – logging 
* 主管,森林经营 supervisor, forest operations 
* 主管,林业 supervisor, forestry 
* 主管,林业船员 supervisor, forestry crew 
* 主管,伐木伐木 supervisor, logging 
* 树林领班/男/女 woods foreman/woman