## 7373 水井钻井工 Water well drillers - LEVEL B
Water well drillers operate a variety of mobile water well drilling rigs and equipment to drill and monitor residential, commercial and industrial water wells. They are employed by water well drilling contractors and governments, or they may be self-employed.
## 7373 水井钻井工头衔范例 Example Titles
* 电缆工具钻井工 - 水井钻井 cable tool driller – water well drilling
* 冲击钻运营商 - 水井钻井 churn drill operator – water well drilling
* 水井钻井工 water well driller
* 水井钻井工学徒 water well driller apprentice
## 7373 水井钻井工主要职责 Main duties
水井钻井工执行部分或全部下列职责:Water well drillers perform some or all of the following duties:
* 审查客户的要求和建议水井位置
Review client requirements and proposed locations for water wells
* 操作水井钻机等设备,为住宅,商业和工业污水井或环境评估来钻,凿和挖洞,并安装水井屏幕,外壳等装置
Operate water well drilling rigs and other equipment to drill, bore and dig for residential, commercial and industrial water wells or environmental assessment, and install well screens, casings and other well fixtures
* 文件记录遇到的地质构造
Document geological fomations encountered
* 清洁和消毒准备使用的水井
Clean and disinfect wells in preparation for use
* 执行例行的机械水井钻机和设备的维护工作
Perform routine mechanical maintenance work on water well drilling rigs and equipment
* 安装,测试,维护和修复水井泵,管道系统和设备,并进行抽水试验,评估水井性能
Install, test, maintain and repair water well pumps, piping systems and equipment and perform pumping tests to assess well performance
* 可能会提供其他的钻井服务,如维修或拆除现有水井结构,电梯井钻井和水力极钻井。
May provide other drilling services, such as repair or dismantling of existing water well structure, elevator shaft drilling and hydro pole drilling.
* 水井钻井工可能会专注于一个特定的钻探方法,如电缆,旋转,钻,锤或反向循环钻探。
Water well drillers may specialize in a specific method of drilling, such as cable, rotary, auger, hammer or reverse circulation drilling.
## 7373 水井钻井工主要职责 Employment requirements
* 通常需要完成中学学业。
Completion of secondary school is usually required.
* 完成两到三年的水钻井学徒计划
Completion of a two- to three-year water well drilling apprenticeship program
* 或者通常需要两到三年的行业工作经验,以及大学或行业的水井钻井课程,才有资格获得行业认证,。
Two to three years of work experience in the trade combined with college or industry courses in water well drilling is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
* 行业认证是可用的,而新不伦瑞克省,萨斯喀彻温省,阿尔伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省是自愿的。
Trade certification is available, but voluntary, in New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
## 7373 水井钻井工附加信息 Additional information
* 本单元组的各种钻井运营商之间可以流动
Mobility is possible among the various well drilling operators in this unit group.
* 随着经验积累,有可能晋升为主管。
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
## 7373 水井钻井工其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 钻井工人 - 地下开采(地下生产和开发矿工)Drillers – underground mining (in 8231 Underground production and development miners )
* 石油和天然气钻井工人,服务人员,测试人员和有关人员 Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers 8232(8232)
* 露天采矿,采石和建筑钻井工人(钻井和放炮 - 表面采矿,采石和建筑) Surface mining, quarrying and construction drillers (in 7372(7372) Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction )
* 水井钻探承包商和水井钻井工人(承包商和监督员,重型设备操作人员及监事)Water well drilling contractors and supervisors of water well drillers (in 7302(7302) Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews )
## 7373 水井钻井工职称头衔 All titles
* 学徒水井钻井工 apprentice water well driller
* 电缆工具钻井工 - 水井 cable tool driller – water well drilling
* 冲击钻运营商 - 水井 churn drill operator – water well drilling
* 钻井工,水井学徒 driller, water well apprentice
* 熟练工人/男/女水井钻机井工 journeyman/woman water well driller
* 技术员,水井钻 technician, water well drilling
* 水井钻井工 water well driller
* 水井钻井工学徒 water well driller apprentice
* 水井钻井工 熟练工/男/女 water well driller journeyman/woman
* 水井钻探技师 water well drilling technician