7322 汽车车身维修工 Motor vehicle body repairers


## 7322 汽车车身维修工 Motor vehicle body repairers - LEVEL B 


Motor vehicle body repairers repair and restore damaged motor vehicle body parts and interior finishing; repaint body surfaces; and repair and/or replace automotive glass. They are employed by automobile dealerships, automobile body repair shops and automobile appraisal centres. This unit group also includes metal repairers who repair defective automobile body parts and damage to the bodies of newly assembled cars. They are employed by motor vehicle manufacturers. 

## 7322 汽车车身维修工头衔范例 Example Titles  

* 车身维修工 autobody repairer 
* 汽车车身修理工 automotive body mechanic 
* 汽车玻璃的技术人员 automotive glass technician 
* 汽车喷漆工 - 机动车维修 automotive painter – motor vehicle repair 
* 汽车喷漆工徒弟 automotive painter apprentice 
* 金属装订工 - 汽车制造 metal finisher – motor vehicle manufacturing 
* 金属维修工 - 汽车制造 metal repairer – motor vehicle manufacturing 
* 机动车车身维修工学徒 motor vehicle body repairer apprentice 
* 机动车车身技术员 - 卡车 motor vehicle body technician – truck 
* 喷漆工 - 机动车维修 painter – motor vehicle repair 

## 7322 汽车车身维修工主要职责 Main duties  

此单元组的工人执行部分或全部下列职责:Workers in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 检查损坏报告和维修成本估算,并计划要执行的工作 
Review damage report and estimates of repair cost and plan work to be performed 

* 修复和更换前端部件,车身部件,车门和框架和底盘组件 
Repair and replace front end components, body components, doors and frame and underbody components 

* 使用木块和锤子,敲打凹痕,扣等缺陷。 
Hammer out dents, buckles and other defects using blocks and hammers 

* 操作焊接设备,或使用塑料填料填充孔洞,凹痕和接缝 
Operate soldering equipment or use plastic filler to fill holes, dents and seams 

* 使用扳手和割炬移除受损的挡泥板,面板和烤架,并用螺栓或焊接零件到位 
Remove damaged fenders, panels and grills using wrenches and cutting torch and bolt or weld replacement parts into place 

* 使用框架和车身底部拉和锚固设备拉直弯曲框架 
Straighten bent frames using frame and underbody pulling and anchoring equipment 

* 用手动及电动工具锉,碾并用干砂纸打磨修复车体表面 
File, grind and sand repaired body surfaces using hand and power tools 

* 遮盖并用胶布固定车体表面,以备喷漆。 
Mask and tape auto body surfaces in preparation for painting 

* 混合油漆,协调并匹配颜色 
Mix paint, blend and match colors 

* 使用刷子或喷涂枪应用底漆重刷表面 
Apply primers and repaint surfaces using brush or spray guns 

* 修复和更换玻璃组件,如挡风玻璃,车窗和天窗 
Repair and replace glass components such as windshields, windows and sunroofs 

* 修理或更换内部件,如座椅框架组件,地​​毯和木地板的绝缘体。 
Repair or replace interior components, such as seat frame assembly, carpets and floorboard insulation 

* 检查维修车辆和试驾车辆做出适当的处​​理。 
Inspect repaired vehicles and test drive vehicles for proper handling. 

## 7322 汽车车身维修工任职要求 Employment requirements  

### 汽车车身维修工 
Motor vehicle body repairers 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成三到四年的机动车车身维修学徒课程 
Completion of a three- to four-year motor vehicle body repair apprenticeship program 

* 或者通常需要三年以上的机动车车身维修行业工作经验,以及完成高中或大学汽车车身修复课程相结合,才有资格获得行业认证。 
A combination of over three years of work experience in the motor vehicle body repair trade and completion of a high school or college automotive body repair program is usually required to be eligible for trade certification. 

* 机动车车身修理(金属漆)行业认证在新斯科舍省,安大略省和阿尔伯塔省,是强制性的,而在不列颠哥伦比亚省,萨斯喀彻温省,马尼托巴省,新不伦瑞克省,爱德华王子岛省,育空地区,纽芬兰和拉布拉多,西北地区和努纳武特地区是自愿的。 
Trade certification for motor vehicle body repair (metal and paint) is compulsory in Nova Scotia, Ontario and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. 

* 在魁北克汽车车身维修工和喷漆工认证是强制性的,在安大略省和阿尔伯塔省车身维修工认证是强制性的,但在育空地区和西北地区是自愿的。 
Auto body repairer and painter certification is compulsory in Quebec and auto body repairer certification is compulsory in Ontario and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in the Yukon and the Northwest Territories. 

* 红印章背书对于成功完成跨省的红色钢印的考试的合格的汽车车身维修工(金属漆)也适用。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified motor vehicle body repairers (metal and paint) upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

### 汽车喷漆工 
Automotive painters 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成两到三年的汽车喷漆工学徒课程 
of a two- to three-year automotive painter apprenticeship program 

* 或者通常需要一年的汽车的喷漆工行业工作经验,并完成高中或大学汽车涂装课程的组合,才能获得汽车喷漆工行业认证。 
A combination of one year of work experience in the automotive painter trade and completion of a high school or college automotive painting program is usually required for automotive painter trade certification. 

* 汽车喷漆工认证在阿尔伯塔省是强制性的,但在新不伦瑞克省,纽芬兰省和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,爱德华王子岛省,安大略省,马尼托巴省,萨斯喀彻温省,不列颠哥伦比亚省,育空地区和西北地区是自愿的。 
Automotive painter certification is compulsory in Alberta and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories. 

* 红印章背书对于成功完成跨省的红色钢印考试后合格的汽车喷漆工也适用。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified automotive painters upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

* 汽车玻璃安装工及维修工 
Automotive glass installers and repairers 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 通常需要汽车玻璃行业认证。 
Auto glass industry certification is usually required. 

* 在阿尔伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省,汽车玻璃技师学徒培训和行业认证是可用的,但是自愿的。 
Apprenticeship training and trade certification for automotive glass technicians is available, but voluntary, in Alberta and British Columbia. 

### 金属维修工,汽车制造商 
Metal repairers, motor vehicle manufacturing 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 提供一到两年的在职培训。 
One to two years of on-the-job training are provided. 

## 7322 汽车车身维修工附加信息 Additional information  

* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

* 随着经验的积累,汽车车身修复和汽车的喷漆工技工可能进展至主管职位。 
With experience, motor vehicle body repair and automotive painter tradespersons may progress to supervisory positions. 

* 受聘于汽车制造商的金属维修工可能会通过学徒课程进展到机动车维修工岗位,或随着经验积累,他们可能进展为汽车制造商主管职位。 
Metal repairers employed in motor vehicle manufacturing may progress to motor vehicle repairer positions through an apprenticeship program, or, with experience, they may progress to supervisory positions in motor vehicle manufacturing. 

## 7322 汽车车身维修工其他分类 Classified elsewhere  

* 汽车维修技师,卡车和巴士力学及机械维修 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers 7321(7321) 
* 喷漆工 - 汽车制造(工业喷漆工,涂布机和金属精加工工艺操作) Painters – motor vehicle manufacturing (in 9536(9536) Industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators ) 
* 主管,机动车组装 Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling 9221(9221) 
* 机动车车身维修和汽车喷漆工主管(承包商及监事,机械行业) Supervisors of motor vehicle body repairers and automotive painters (in 7301(7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades ) 

## 7322 汽车车身维修工职称头衔 All titles  

* 古董车的修补者,车身 antique car restorer, body 
* 古董车辆修补者,车身 antique vehicle restorer, body 
* 学徒喷漆工 - 机动车维修 apprentice painter – motor vehicle repair 
* 学徒喷漆工,机动车辆 apprentice painter, motor vehicles 
* 汽车玻璃安装工 auto glass installer 
* 车身修理工 autobody mechanic 
* 车身维修工 autobody repairer 
* 车身技师 autobody technician 
* 车身技术员 - 碰撞 autobody technician – collision 
* 车身技术员 - 修补 autobody technician – refinishing 
* 车身工人 autobody worker 
* 汽车车身修理工/男/女 automobile body repairman/woman 
* 汽车损伤修复估价师 automobile damage repair estimator 
* 汽车抛光打磨师 - 机动车维修 automobile polisher-sander – motor vehicle repair 
* 汽车车身修理工 automotive body mechanic 
* 汽车车身喷漆工 automotive body painter 
* 汽车车身维修工 automotive body repairer 
* 汽车车身维修工喷漆工 automotive body repairer-painter 
* 汽车车身技师 automotive body technician 
* 汽车玻璃的技术人员 automotive glass technician 
* 汽车喷漆工 - 机动车维修 automotive painter – motor vehicle repair 
* 汽车喷漆工徒弟 automotive painter apprentice 
* 汽车涂装和修补技师 automotive painting and refinishing technician 
* 车身和挡泥板 - 汽车维修工 body and fender repairer – automobile 
* 车身和挡泥板修理工/男/女 - 汽车 body and fender repairman/woman – automobile 
* 车身修学徒,汽车 body repairer apprentice, motor vehicles 
* 车身维修工,汽车 body repairer, motor vehicles 
* 汽车维修技师 collision repair technician 
* 损伤修复估价师,汽车 damage repair estimator, automobile 
* 凹痕卸妆维修工 - 汽车 dent remover and repairer – automobile 
* 铃/男/女 - 车身 dingman/woman – autobody 
* 短工/男/女机动车车身维修工 journeyman/woman motor vehicle body repairer 
* 金属表面和触摸维修工 - 汽车制造 metal finish and touch-up repairer – motor vehicle manufacturing 
* 金属装订工 - 汽车制造 metal finisher – motor vehicle manufacturing 
* 金属维修工 - 汽车制造 metal repairer – motor vehicle manufacturing 
* 金属升级工 - 汽车制造 metal upgrader – motor vehicle manufacturing 
* 电机维修车辆喷漆工学徒 motor repair vehicle painter apprentice 
* 机动车车身装订工 motor vehicle body finisher 
* 机动车车身维修工 motor vehicle body repairer 
* 机动车车身维修工 - 碰撞 motor vehicle body repairer – collision 
* 机动车车身维修工 - 金属和油漆 motor vehicle body repairer – metal and paint 
* 机动车车身维修工 - 修补 motor vehicle body repairer – refinishing 
* 机动车车身维修工学徒 motor vehicle body repairer apprentice 
* 汽车车身修理喷漆工 motor vehicle body repair-painter 
* 机动车车身技术人员 motor vehicle body technician 
* 机动车车身技术员 - 卡车 motor vehicle body technician – truck 
* 机动车喷漆工 - 机动车维修 motor vehicle painter – motor vehicle repair 
* 喷漆工 - 机动车维修 painter – motor vehicle repair 
* 喷漆工,汽车 - 汽车维修 painter, automobiles – motor vehicle repair 
* 喷漆工,机动车 - 机动车维修 painter, motor vehicles – motor vehicle repair 
* 汽车维修店估计, repair shop estimator, automotive 
* 二手车革新者 used car renovator