7303 主管,印刷及相关行业 Supervisors, printing and related occupations


## 7303 主管,印刷及相关行业 Supervisors, printing and related occupations- LEVEL B 


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who produce camera work and printing plates and cylinders, process film, print text and illustrations on paper, metal and other material, and bind and finish printed products. They are employed by companies that specialize in commercial printing or one of its components, such as binding or colour reproduction, in combined printing and publishing companies, such as newspapers and magazines, and in various establishments in both the public and private sectors that have in-house printing departments. 

## 7303 主管,印刷及相关行业头衔范例 Example Titles 

* 装订领班/男/女 - 印刷 bindery foreman/woman – printing 
* 装订主管 - 印刷 bindery supervisor – printing 
* 排字间主管 - 印刷 composing room supervisor – printing 
* 膜处理主管 film processing supervisor 
* 完成主管 - 印刷 finishing supervisor – printing 
* 摄影和电影的处理领班/男/女 photographic and film processing foreman/woman 
* 印刷制版主管 - platemaking supervisor – printing 
* 印前主管 - 印刷 prepress supervisor – printing 
* 印刷车间主管 - 印刷 pressroom supervisor – printing 

## 7303 主管,印刷及相关行业主要职责 Main duties 

本单元组主管执行部分或全部下列职责:Supervisors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 监督,共同协调和安排工人生产摄像头的工作和印版及气缸的活动;处理胶片,打印,装订和完成书籍,报纸,商业表格等印刷制品 
Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule activities of workers who produce camera work and printing plates and cylinders; process film; and print, bind and finish books, newspapers, business forms and other printed products 

* 建立方法,以满足工作计划,并协调与其他部门的工作活动 
Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments 

* 审查和批准所有的工作证明或样品,以确保工作质量符合客户的规格 
Review and approve all job proofs or samples in order to ensure quality of work meets client specifications 

* 申报材料和用品 
Requisition materials and supplies 

* 解决工作中的问题,提供技术咨询和建议措施,以提高生产率和产品质量 
Resolve work problems, provide technical advice and recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality 

* 培训工作人员的工作职责,安全程序和公司政策 
Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies 

* 推荐人员活动,如雇用和升迁 
Recommend personnel actions such as hiring and promotions 

* 准备生产和其他报告 
Prepare production and other reports 

* 可设置机器或设备。 
May set up machines or equipment. 

## 7303 主管,印刷及相关行业任职要求 Employment requirements 

* 必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 可能需要完成图形艺术技术的大学课程。 
Completion of a college program in graphic arts technology may be required. 

* 通常需要多年监督工作区的经验。 
Several years of experience in the work area supervised is usually required. 

* 本单元组的一些职业可能需要省级行业认证。 
Provincial trade certification may be required for some occupations in this unit group. 

## 7303 主管,印刷及相关行业附加信息 Additional information 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到管理岗位,如部门,生产或​​工厂经理。 
Progression to management positions, such as department, production or plant manager, is possible with experience. 

## 7303 主管,印刷及相关行业其他分类 Classified elsewhere 

* 印刷厂经理(制造经理)Printing plant managers (in 0911(0911) Manufacturing managers ) 
* 主管桌面出版运营商(主管,总经理办公室和行政支持人员)Supervisors of desktop publishing operators (in 1211(1211) Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers ) 

## 7303 主管,印刷及相关行业职称头衔 All titles 

* 装订工领班/男/女 - 印刷 binders foreman/woman – printing 
* 装订工主管 - 印刷 binders supervisor – printing 
* 装订领班/男/女 - 印刷 bindery foreman/woman – printing 
* 装订主管 bindery supervisor – printing 
* 印刷装订工人上司 - bindery workers supervisor – printing 
* 排字领班/男/女 - 印刷 composing foreman/woman – printing 
* 排字间主管 - 印刷 composing room supervisor – printing 
* 排字领班/男/女 - 印刷 compositors foreman/woman – printing 
* 排字主管 - 印刷 compositors supervisor – printing 
* 雕刻领班/男/女(除photoengravers) - 印刷 engravers foreman/woman (except photoengravers) – printing 
* 雕刻领班/男/女(除了照像) - 印刷 engraving foreman/woman (except photoengraving) – printing 
* 电影开发商领班/男/女 film developers foreman/woman 
* 电影开发主管 film developers supervisor 
* 胶片打印机领班/男/女 film printers foreman/woman 
* 薄膜印刷领班/男/女 film printing foreman/woman 
* 薄膜印刷主管 film printing supervisor 
* 膜处理领班/女​​人 film processing foreman/woman 
* 膜处理主管 film processing supervisor 
* 电影处理器领班/男/女 film processors foreman/woman 
* 电影处理器监督员 film processors supervisor 
* 胶片设置运营主管 filmsetter operators supervisor 
* 胶片设置主管 filmsetters supervisor 
* 整理领班/女​​人 - 印刷 finishing foreman/woman – printing 
* 完成主管 - 印刷 finishing supervisor – printing 
* 领班/男/女,粘合剂 - 印刷 foreman/woman, binders – printing 
* 领班/男/女,印刷装订 - foreman/woman, bindery – printing 
* 领班/男/女,作曲 - 打印 foreman/woman, composing – printing 
* 领班/男/女,排字 - 印刷 foreman/woman, compositors – printing 
* 领班/男/女,雕刻(除photoengravers) - 印刷 foreman/woman, engravers (except photoengravers) – printing 
* 领班/男/女,雕刻(除照像) - 印刷 foreman/woman, engraving (except photoengraving) – printing 
* 领班/男/女,电影发展 foreman/woman, film developers 
* 领班/男/女,胶片打印机 foreman/woman, film printers 
* 领班/男/女,薄膜印刷 foreman/woman, film printing 
* 领班/男/女,电影菲林冲印 foreman/woman, film processing 
* 领班/男/女,电影处理器 foreman/woman, film processors 
* 领班/男/女,精加工 - 打印 foreman/woman, finishing – printing 
* 领班/男/女,热成分 - 印刷 foreman/woman, hot composition – printing 
* 领班/男/女,凸版印刷 - 印刷 foreman/woman, letterpress – printing 
* 领班/男/女,凸版室 foreman/woman, letterpress room 
* 领班/男/女,平版印刷 - 印刷 foreman/woman, offset lithography – printing 
* 领班/男/女,胶印机 - 印刷 foreman/woman, offset press – printing 
* 领班/男/女,胶印机运营商 - 印刷 foreman/woman, offset press operators – printing 
* 领班/男/女,的OptiCopy和剥离 - 印刷 foreman/woman, OptiCopy and stripping – printing 
* 领班/男/女,photoengravers foreman/woman, photoengravers 
* 领班/男/女,摄影和电影的处理 foreman/woman, photographic and film processing 
* 领班/男/女,照相加工和精加工 foreman/woman, photographic processing and finishing 
* 领班/男/女,印刷车间 - 印刷 foreman/woman, pressroom – printing 
* 领班/男/女,打印机 foreman/woman, printers 
* 领班/男/女,印刷车间 foreman/woman, printing shop 
* 领班/男/女,凹版印刷 foreman/woman, rotogravure 
* 领班/男/女,凹版印刷机运营商 - 印刷 foreman/woman, rotogravure press operators – printing 
* 领班/男/女,凹版印刷印刷工/女性 - 印刷 foreman/woman, rotogravure pressmen/women – printing 
* 领班/男/女,的stereotypists和电镀 foreman/woman, stereotypists and electroplaters 
* 领班/男/女,排版 - 打印 foreman/woman, typesetters – printing 
* 凹印印刷机操作员领班/男/女 gravure press operators foreman/woman 
* 凹版印刷机领班/男/女 gravure printers foreman/woman 
* 手工排字主管 hand compositors supervisor 
* 热组成领班/男/女 - 印刷 hot composition foreman/woman – printing 
* 凸版领班/男/女 - 印刷 letterpress foreman/woman – printing 
* 凸版客房领班/男/女 letterpress room foreman/woman 
* 机械组成领班/男/女 - 印刷 mechanical composition foreman/woman – printing 
* 平版印刷领班/男/女 - 印刷 offset lithography foreman/woman – printing 
* 胶印机领班/男/女 - 印刷 offset press foreman/woman – printing 
* 胶印机运营商领班/男/女 - 印刷 offset press operators foreman/woman – printing 
* OptiCopy和剥离领班/男/女 - 印刷 OptiCopy and stripping foreman/woman – printing 
* 照相排字机运营主管 photocomposer operators supervisor 
* 照相排字机操作者导师 photocomposers supervisor 
* 照相排字机操作者领班/男/女 photoengravers foreman/woman 
* 摄影和电影的处理领班/女​​人 photographic and film processing foreman/woman 
* 摄影和电影处理主管 photographic and film processing supervisor 
* 摄影实验室领班/男/女 photographic lab foreman/woman 
* 摄影加工和精加工领班/男/女 photographic processing and finishing foreman/woman 
* 摄影处理器监督员 photographic processors supervisor 
* 制版机监督员 platemakers supervisor 
* 印刷制版主管 - platemaking supervisor – printing 
* 制版车间主管 - 印刷 plateroom supervisor – printing 
* 预备主管 - 印刷 preparatory supervisor – printing 
* 印前主管 - 印刷 prepress supervisor – printing 
* 印前职工主管 prepress workers supervisor 
* 印刷运营主管,印刷 press operators supervisor, printing 
* 印刷主管 - 印刷 press supervisor – printing 
* 印刷车间领班/男/女 - 印刷 pressroom foreman/woman – printing 
* 印刷车间主管 - 印刷 pressroom supervisor – printing 
* 打印机领班/男/女 printers foreman/woman 
* 打印机主管 printers supervisor 
* 印刷机运营主管 printing press operators supervisor 
* 印刷车间领班/男/女 printing shop foreman/woman 
* 印刷主管 printing supervisor 
* 生产主管 - 印刷 production supervisor – printing 
* 凹版印刷领班/男/女 rotogravure foreman/woman 
* 凹版印刷机运营商领班/男/女 - 印刷 rotogravure press operators foreman/woman – printing 
* 凹版印刷印刷工/女领班/男/女 - 印刷 rotogravure pressmen/women foreman/woman – printing 
* 盲文凸版印刷机操作员和电镀领班/男/女 stereotypists and electroplaters foreman/woman 
* 主管,粘合剂 - 印刷 supervisor, binders – printing 
* 主管,印刷装订 - supervisor, bindery – printing 
* 主管,装订工人 - 印刷 supervisor, bindery workers – printing 
* 主管,创作室 - 印刷 supervisor, composing room – printing 
* 主管,排字 - 印刷 supervisor, compositors – printing 
* 主管,电影开发 supervisor, film developers 
* 主管,薄膜印刷 supervisor, film printing 
* 主管,膜处理 supervisor, film processing 
* 主管,电影处理器 supervisor, film processors 
* 主管,filmsetter运营 supervisor, filmsetter operators 
* 主管,精加工 - 打印 supervisor, finishing – printing 
* 主管,手排字; supervisor, hand compositors 
* 主管,照相排字机运营商 supervisor, photocomposer operators 
* 主管,摄影和电影的处理 supervisor, photographic and film processing 
* 主管,照相处理器 supervisor, photographic processors 
* 主管,制版机 supervisor, platemakers 
* 主管,制版 - 印刷 supervisor, platemaking – printing 
* 主管,plateroom - 印刷 supervisor, plateroom – printing 
* 主管,印前 - 印刷 supervisor, prepress – printing 
* 主管,印前工作者 supervisor, prepress workers 
* 主管,按 - 印刷 supervisor, press – printing 
* 新闻中心 - 印刷主管, supervisor, pressroom – printing 
* 主管,打印机 supervisor, printers 
* 主管,印刷 supervisor, printing 
* 主管,印刷机操作员 supervisor, printing press operators 
* 主管,生产 - 印刷 supervisor, production – printing 
* 主管,排版 - 打印 supervisor, typesetters – printing 
* 主管,排版 supervisor, typographers 
* 排字领班/男/女 - 印刷 typesetters foreman/woman – printing 
* 内排字主管 - 印刷 typesetters supervisor – printing 
* 排版主管 typographers supervisor