## 7294 油漆工和装修工(室内装修者除外)Painters and decorators (except interior decorators) - LEVEL B
Painters and decorators apply paint, wallpaper and other finishes to interior and exterior surfaces of buildings and other structures. They are employed by construction companies, painting contractors and building maintenance contractors, or they may be self-employed.
## 7294 油漆工和装修工(室内装修者除外)头衔范例 Example Titles
* 建设油漆工 construction painter
* 维护油漆工 maintenance painter
* 油漆工 painter
* 油漆工和装修工 painter and decorator
* 油漆工和装修工学徒 painter and decorator apprentice
* 裱糊工人 paperhanger
## 7294 油漆工和装修工(室内装修者除外)主要职责 Main duties
油漆工和装修工执行部分或全部下列职责:Painters and decorators perform some or all of the following duties:
* 读取规格,以确定所需的材料数量
Read specifications to determine quantities of materials required
* 使用下列方法如刮,打磨,喷砂,水力喷砂和蒸汽清洗,准备和清洁表面;删除旧墙纸和松油漆,修补墙面裂缝和孔洞;并用砂纸打磨以及应用封口
Prepare and clean surfaces using methods such as scraping, sanding, sandblasting, hydro-blasting and steam-cleaning; remove old wallpaper and loose paint; repair cracks and holes in walls; and sandpaper and apply sealer
* 混合和稀释油漆,以获得所需的颜色和纹理
Mix and thin paint to obtain desired colour and texture
* 使用刷子,滚筒或喷涂设备,涂抹颜料或其他材料,如污渍,漆器,珐琅,油,清漆,玻璃纤维,金属涂层或阻燃性。
Apply paint or other materials, such as stains, lacquer, enamel, oil, varnish, fibreglass, metal coating or fire retardant using brushes, rollers or spray equipment
* 测量,切割和应用壁纸或织物到墙壁上
Measure, cut and apply wallpaper or fabric to walls
* 组装和竖立脚手架和摆动阶段
Assemble and erect scaffolding and swing stages
* 可能会建议客户选择的配色方案和选择壁布
May advise customer on selection of colour schemes and choice of wall coverings
* 可能会向客户提供成本估算。
May provide cost estimates to clients.
## 7294 油漆工和装修工(室内装修者除外)任职要求 Employment requirements
* 通常需要完成中学学业。
Completion of secondary school is usually required.
* 完成三到四年的学徒课程
Completion of a three- to four-year apprenticeship program
* 或者通常需要三年以上的行业内工作经验,才有资格申领行业认证。
Over three years of work experience in the trade is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
* 在魁北克省油漆工和装修工行业认证是强制性,但在所有其他省份和地区是自愿的。
Trade certification for painters and decorators is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories.
* 红印章背书对成功完成跨省红色钢印考试的合格油漆工和装修工也适用。
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified painters and decorators upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
## 7294 油漆工和装修工(室内装修者除外)附加信息 Additional information
* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
## 7294 油漆工和装修工(室内装修者除外)其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 汽车油漆工(汽车车身维修) Automotive painters (in 7322(7322) Motor vehicle body repairers )
* 工业油漆工,镀膜机,金属表面处理过程中的运营商 Industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators 9536(9536)
* 室内装修(室内设计师和室内装修工) Interior decorators (in 5242(5242) Interior designers and interior decorators )
* 油漆工,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists 5136(5136)
* 主管油漆工和装修工(承包商和监督员,等建设行业,安装,维修和服务商) Supervisors of painters and decorators (in 7205(7205) Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers )
## 7294 油漆工和装修工(室内装修者除外)职称头衔 All titles
* 学徒工业油漆工和装修工 apprentice industrial painter and decorator
* 学徒油漆工和装修工 apprentice painter and decorator
* 桥梁油漆工 bridge painter
* 建筑油漆工 building painter
* 商业建筑油漆工 commercial building painter
* 商业建筑油漆工 commercial construction painter
* 建设油漆工 construction painter
* 刷墙者 house painter
* 工业建设油漆工 industrial construction painter
* 工业维修油漆工 industrial maintenance painter
* 短工/男/女油漆工和装修工 journeyman/woman painter and decorator
* 维护油漆工 maintenance painter
* 维修油漆工,厂房 maintenance painter, plant
* 油漆工 painter
* 油漆工和装修工 painter and decorator
* 油漆工和装修工学徒 painter and decorator apprentice
* 油漆工和裱糊工人 painter and paperhanger
* 油漆工,商厦 painter, commercial buildings
* 油漆工,商业建筑 painter, commercial construction
* 油漆工,建筑 painter, construction
* 油漆工,工业建设 painter, industrial construction
* 油漆工,维护 painter, maintenance
* 油漆工,住宅建筑 painter, residential construction
* 油漆工,装修工 painter-decorator
* 裱糊工人 paperhanger
* 植物维修油漆工 plant maintenance painter
* 住宅建筑油漆工 residential construction painter
* 住宅油漆工 residential painter
* 屋顶油漆工 roof painter
* 粗糙的油漆工 - 建设 rough painter – construction
* 专业油漆工和装修工 specialized painter and decorator