## 7291 屋顶盖瓦工 Roofers and shinglers - LEVEL B
屋顶盖瓦工安装,维修或更换平屋顶和 倾斜的屋顶上的瓦片,不结实的或其他屋顶砖瓦。 挤压操作工安装和更换倾斜的屋顶上的木瓦,瓦片及类似覆盖物。他们受雇于屋面和总承包商,或者有可能成为自雇人士。
Roofers install, repair or replace flat roofs and shingles, shakes or other roofing tiles on sloped roofs. Shinglers install and replace shingles, tiles and similar coverings on sloped roofs. They are employed by roofing and general contractors, or they may be self-employed.
## 7291 屋顶盖瓦工头衔范例 Example Titles
* 学徒屋顶盖瓦工 apprentice roofer
* 沥青屋顶盖瓦工 asphalt roofer
* 内置屋顶盖瓦工 built-up roofer
* 平房屋顶盖瓦工 flat roofer
* 住宅陡峭的屋顶盖瓦工 residential steep roofer
* 屋顶盖瓦工 roofer
* 挤压操作工 shingler
* 单层屋面防水工 single-ply roofer
## 7291 屋顶盖瓦工主要职责 Main duties
### 屋顶盖瓦工的执行部分或全部下列职责:Roofers perform some or all of the following duties:
* 使用材料,如沥青饱和油毡和热沥青和砾石安装,维修或更换内置屋面系统
Install, repair or replace built-up roofing systems using materials such as asphalt saturated felts and hot asphalt and gravel
* 使用防水片材,如改性塑料,橡胶或其他沥青成分安装,维修或更换单层屋面系统。
Install, repair or replace single-ply roofing system using waterproof sheet materials such as modified plastics, elastomeric or other asphaltic compositions
* 安装,修理或更换木瓦板,动摇物和建筑物的倾斜屋顶上的其他屋顶瓦片
Install, repair or replace shingles, shakes and other roofing tiles on sloped roofs of buildings
* 安装钣金遮雨物
Install sheet metal flashings
* 给低于或高于地面水平的混凝土或其他砖石表面使用防水涂料
Apply waterproof coatings to concrete or other masonry surfaces below or above ground level
* 使用手动及电动工具安装和修复金属屋顶
Install and repair metal roofs using hand and power tools
* 安装脚手架,以提供上屋顶的安全通道
Set up scaffolding to provide safe access to roofs
* 估算所需材料和报价成本。
May estimate materials required and quote costs.
### 挤压操作工执行部分或全部下列职责:Shinglers perform some or all of the following duties:
* 安装或更换倾斜建筑物的屋顶上的沥青瓦,木瓦,动摇物和砖石或烘烤的粘土屋瓦
Install or replace asphalt shingles, wood shingles and shakes and masonry or baked clay roofing tiles on sloped roofs of buildings
* 设置脚手架,以提供通往屋顶的安全通道。
Set up scaffolding to provide safe access to roofs.
## 7291 屋顶盖瓦工任职要求 Employment requirements
* 通常需要完成中学学业。
Completion of secondary school is usually required.
* 对于屋顶工,要求完成两到三年的学徒课程
For roofers, completion of a two- to three-year apprenticeship program
* 通常需要三年以上的行业内工作经验,才有资格获得行业认证。
Over three years of work experience in the trade are usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
* 在魁北克省屋顶行业认证是强制性的,但在所有其他省份和地区是自愿的。
Roofing trade certification is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories.
* 在不列颠哥伦比亚省,住宅陡峭屋顶工行业认证是可用的,但是自愿的。
Trade certification for residential steep roofers is available, but voluntary, in British Columbia.
* 红印章背书对于通过跨省红色钢印考试的屋顶工也适用。
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified roofers upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
* 挤压操作工需要一到两年的在职培训。
Shinglers require one to two years of on-the-job training.
## 7291 屋顶盖瓦工附加信息 Additional information
* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
## 7291 屋顶盖瓦工其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 主管屋顶工和挤压操作工(承包商和监督员,等建设行业,安装,维修和服务商)Supervisors of roofers and shinglers (in 7205(7205) Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers )
## 7291 屋顶盖瓦工职称头衔 All titles
* 学徒屋顶盖瓦工 apprentice roofer
* 学徒瓦屋顶盖瓦工 apprentice shingle roofer
* 沥青屋顶盖瓦工 asphalt roofer
* 沥青瓦屋顶盖瓦工 asphalt shingle roofer
* 沥青挤压操作工 asphalt shingler
* 内置平屋顶盖瓦工 built-up flat roofer
* 内置屋顶盖瓦工 built-up roofer
* 雪松动摇挤压操作工, cedar shakes shingler
* 雪松挤压操作工 cedar shingler
* 成分屋顶盖瓦工 composition roofer
* 平屋顶盖瓦工 flat roofer
* 碎石屋顶盖瓦工 gravel roofer
* 短工/男/女屋顶盖瓦工 journeyman/woman roofer
* 机械师,屋顶 mechanic, roofing
* 金属屋顶盖瓦工 metal roofer
* 住宅建筑挤压操作工 residential building shingler
* 住宅陡峭的屋顶盖瓦工 residential steep roofer
* 屋顶瓦工 roof tiler
* 屋顶盖瓦工 roofer
* 屋顶盖瓦工和防水材料 roofer and waterproofer
* 屋顶盖瓦工见习 roofer trainee
* 屋顶盖瓦工,沥青 roofer, asphalt
* 屋顶盖瓦工,沥青和砾石 roofer, asphalt and gravel
* 屋顶盖瓦工,沥青瓦 roofer, asphalt shingles
* 屋顶盖瓦工,建成平 roofer, built-up flat
* 屋顶盖瓦工,沙砾 roofer, gravel
* 屋顶盖瓦工,金属 roofer, metal
* 屋顶盖瓦工,卵石 roofer, shingles
* 木瓦屋顶盖瓦工, roofer, wood shingle
* 屋顶修理工 roofing mechanic
* 木瓦屋顶盖瓦工 shingle roofer
* 挤压操作工 shingler
* 挤压操作工见习 shingler trainee
* 挤压操作工,沥青 shingler, asphalt
* 挤压操作工,雪松 shingler, cedar
* 挤压操作工,雪松震动 shingler, cedar shakes
* 挤压操作工,木材 shingler, wood
* 单层屋面防水工 single-ply roofer
* 焦油和砾石屋顶盖瓦工 tar and gravel roofer
* 焦油屋顶盖瓦工 tar roofer
* 瓦屋顶盖瓦工 tile roofer
* 瓦工,屋顶 tiler, roofs
* 防水材料和屋顶盖瓦工 waterproofer and roofer
* 木瓦屋顶盖瓦工 wood shingle roofer
* 木挤压操作工 wood shingler