7281 瓦工 Bricklayers


## 7281 瓦工 Bricklayers - LEVEL B 


Bricklayers lay bricks, concrete blocks, stone and other similar materials to construct or repair walls, arches, chimneys, fireplaces and other structures in accordance with blueprints and specifications. They are employed by construction companies and bricklaying contractors or they may be self-employed. 

## 7281 瓦工头衔范例 Example Titles
* 瓦工学徒 apprentice bricklayer 
* 瓦工 bricklayer 
* 泥水匠 brickmason 
* 耐火物质瓦工 refractory bricklayer 
* 石匠 stonecutter 
* 石匠 stonemason 

## 7281 瓦工主要职责 Main duties 

瓦工执行部分或全部下列职责:Bricklayers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 阅读草图和蓝图来计算所需材料 
Read sketches and blueprints to calculate materials required 

* 用手动及电动工具剪切和修剪砖头和混凝土块以达到规格 
Cut and trim bricks and concrete blocks to specification using hand and power tools 

* 在住宅,工业和商业建筑内准备和铺设砖,混凝土砌块,石材,结构砖及类似材料,建造或修复墙壁,地基和其他结构 
Prepare and lay bricks, concrete blocks, stone, structural tiles and similar materials to construct or repair walls, foundations and other structures in residential, industrial and commercial construction 

* 铺设砖或其他砌筑块材建造住宅或商业的烟囱和壁炉 
Lay bricks or other masonry units to build residential or commercial chimneys and fireplaces 

* 铺设径向砖,建造工业烟囱砌体壳 
Lay radial bricks to build masonry shells of industrial chimneys 

* 铺设或安装耐火砖来用线标注工业烟囱和烟囱 
Lay or install firebricks to line industrial chimneys and smokestacks 

* 使用耐火耐酸砖,耐火混凝土,塑料耐火材料和其它材料,用线标示或重新划线衬炉,窑炉,锅炉和类似装置 
Line or reline furnaces, kilns, boilers and similar installations using refractory or acid-resistant bricks, refractory concretes, plastic refractories and other materials 

* 铺设砖,石或类似材料,为墙壁或其他表面安装单板 
Lay bricks, stone or similar materials to provide veneer facing to walls or other surfaces 

* 建造和安装预制砌筑块材 
Construct and install prefabricated masonry units 

* 砌砖或其他砌筑块材,建造庭院,花园围墙和其他装饰装置 
Lay bricks or other masonry units to build patios, garden walls and other decorative installations 

* 可以恢复,清洁或刷油漆为现有的砖石结构。 
May restore, clean or paint existing masonry structures. 

## 7281 瓦工任职要求 Employment requirements 

* 通常需要完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is usually required. 

* 完成三到四年的学徒课程。 
Completion of a three- to four-year apprenticeship program 

* 或者通常需要累计四年的行业内工作经验,和高中,大学或行业砌砖课程的组合,才有资格取得行业认证。 
A combination of over four years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in bricklaying is usually required to be eligible for trade certification. 

* 在新斯科舍省,新不伦瑞克省和魁北克省,瓦工行业认证是强制性的,但在所有其他省和育空地区是自愿考取的。 
Trade certification for bricklayers is compulsory in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the Yukon. 

* 在纽芬兰和拉布拉多,石匠行业认证可用,但是自愿的。 
Trade certification for stonemasons is available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador. 

* 在新斯科舍省,恢复石匠行业认证是可用的,但是自愿的。 
Trade certification for restoration stone masons is available, but voluntary, in Nova Scotia. 

* 红印章背书对于成功完成跨省的红色钢印考试的合格瓦工也适用。 
Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified bricklayers upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination. 

## 7281 瓦工附加信息 Additional information  

* 红印章背书允许跨省流动。 
The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility. 

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到主管职位。 
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. 

## 7281 瓦工其他分类 Classified elsewhere 

* 混凝土整理工 Concrete finishers 7282(7282) 
* 主管瓦工(承包商和监督员,等建设行业,安装,维修和服务商) Supervisors of bricklayers (in 7205(7205) Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers ) 
* 砖瓦工 Tilesetters 7283(7283) 

## 7281 瓦工职称头衔 All titles  

* 瓦工学徒 apprentice bricklayer 
* 学徒泥水匠 apprentice brickmason 
* 石匠学徒 apprentice mason 
* 人工石匠 artificial stone mason 
* 砖和石匠 brick and stone mason 
* 砖烟囱建设者 brick chimney builder 
* 砖安装员 brick setter 
* 瓦工 bricklayer 
* 瓦工,烟囱维修; bricklayer, chimney repair 
* 瓦工,高炉内衬 bricklayer, furnace lining 
* 瓦工,窑维修 bricklayer, kiln repair 
* 瓦工,钢包修 bricklayer, ladle repair 
* 瓦工,维修 bricklayer, maintenance 
* 瓦工,耐火砖 bricklayer, refractory brick 
* 瓦工,住宅 bricklayer, residential 
* 瓦工,烟囱 bricklayer, smokestacks 
* 泥水匠 brickmason 
* 建设者,耐火材料 builder, refractory 
* 烟囱瓦工 chimney bricklayer 
* 烟囱维修瓦工 chimney repair bricklayer 
* 烟囱维修石匠 chimney repair stonemason 
* 煤渣块石匠 cinder block mason 
* 煤渣块安装员 cinder block setter 
* 混凝土砌块安装员 concrete block setter 
* 防火砖铺设者 fire brick layer 
* 消防砖班轮修理工 fire brick liner repairer 
* 壁炉泥水匠 fireplace brickmason 
* 工业炉瓦工 industrial furnace bricklayer 
* 工业炉泥水匠 industrial furnace brickmason 
* 工业炉泥水匠 industrial oven brickmason 
* 安装工,permastones installer, permastones 
* 短工/男/女瓦工 journeyman/woman bricklayer 
* 短工/ 泥水匠男/女 journeyman/woman brickmason 
* 短工/男/女石匠 journeyman/woman mason 
* 短工/男/女石匠 journeyman/woman stonemason 
* 铺设者,耐火砖 layer, fire bricks 
* 维护瓦工 maintenance bricklayer 
* 泥水匠,砖和石头 mason, brick and stone 
* 石匠,耐火材料 mason, refractory 
* 砌筑筒仓建造者 masonry silo erector 
* permastone石匠 permastone mason 
* 耐火砖维修工 - 石匠 refractory brick repairer-mason 
* 耐火瓦工 refractory bricklayer 
* 耐火建设者 refractory builder 
* 耐火石匠 refractory mason 
* 住宅建筑瓦工 residential construction bricklayer 
* 恢复石匠 restoration stonemason 
* 安装工,人造宝石 setter, artificial stones 
* 安装工,模拟结石 setter, simulated stones 
* 模拟石匠 simulated stone mason 
* 烟囱瓦工 smokestack bricklayer 
* 石安装工 stone setter 
* 石匠 stonecutter 
* 石匠 stonemason 
* 石匠,烟囱维修; stonemason, chimney repair 
* 石匠,恢复 stonemason, restoration 
* 兵马俑石匠 terra cotta mason