## 4217 其他宗教职业 Other religious occupations
This unit group includes brothers, nuns, monks, religious education workers and others who provide support to ministers of religion or to a religious community and who perform certain functions associated with the practice of a religion. They may perform these duties in churches, synagogues, temples or other places of worship or in institutions such as schools, hospitals and prisons.
## 4217 其他宗教职业头衔范例 Example Titles
* 基督教科学从业者 Christian science practitioner
* 救世军现场工作人员 Salvation Army field worker
* 兄弟/姐妹妹 - 宗教 brother/sister – religion
* 领唱者 cantor
* 执事 deacon
* 传教士 missionary
* 僧 monk
* 尼姑 nun
* 田园漫画家 pastoral animator
* 宗教教育工作者 religious education worker
## 4217 其他宗教职业主要职责 Main duties
以下是本单元组的一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unit group:
* 协助公众礼拜和宗教仪式服务
Assist at services of public worship and religious rites
* 向宗教社会成员提供宗教教育,精神文明指导和道义上的支持
Provide religious education, spiritual guidance and moral support to members of a religious community
* 执行提供食物,衣服和住所的方案。
Administer programs providing food, clothing and shelter.
## 4217 其他宗教职业任职要求 Employment requirements
* 完成从中学教育到大学本科学位,这取决于特定的职业和宗教。
Requirements range from completion of secondary school education to a university undergraduate degree, depending on the particular occupation and religion.
* 根据特定的职业和宗教,可能还有其他的就业要求。
There may be other employment requirements depending on the particular occupation and religion.
## 4217 其他宗教职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 专业职业宗教 Professional occupations in religion 4154(4154)
## 4217 其他宗教职业职称头衔 All titles
* 漫画家 - 精神指导 animator – spiritual guidance
* 兄弟/姐妹 - 宗教 brother/sister – religion
* 领唱者 cantor
* 基督教科学护士 - 非医疗 Christian Science nurse – non-medical
* 基督教科学从业者 Christian science practitioner
* 基督教科学工作者 Christian science worker
* 教会工人 church worker
* 执事 deacon
* 执事 deaconess
* 注释家 exegete
* 信仰治疗师 faith healer
* 福音工人 gospel worker
* hazzan hazzan
* 医者,信仰 healer, faith
* 家庭使命工人 - 宗教 home mission worker – religion
* 传教士 missionary
* 割礼执行人 mohel
* 僧 monk
* 母亲优越/宗教优越 mother superior/religious superior
* 新手 - 宗教 novice – religion
* 尼姑 nun
* panthee panthee
* 田园漫画家 pastoral animator
* 望会 postulant
* 鸭脚稗 ragi
* 宗教教育工作者 religious education worker
* 宗教优越 - 宗教社区 religious superior – religious community
* 宗教上/母亲优越 religious superior/mother superior
* 救世军队长 Salvation Army captain
* 救世军现场工作人员 Salvation Army field worker
* 救世军工作者 Salvation Army worker
* 姐妹/兄弟 - 宗教 sister/brother – religion