4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理 Early childhood educators and assistants


## 4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理 Early childhood educators and assistants  


Early childhood educators plan, organize and implement programs for children between the ages of infancy and 12 years. Early childhood educator assistants provide care for infants and preschool- to school-age children under the guidance of early childhood educators. Early childhood educators and assistants lead children in activities to stimulate and develop their intellectual, physical and emotional growth and ensure their security and well-being. They are employed in child-care centres, daycare centres, kindergartens, agencies for exceptional children and other settings where early childhood education services are provided. Supervisors of early childhood educators and assistants are included in this unit group. 

## 4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理头衔范例 Example Titles 

* 儿童护理员助理 child care worker assistant 
* 幼儿工作者,日托 child care worker, daycare 
* 日托帮手 daycare helper 
* 托儿所主管 daycare supervisor 
* 托儿所老师 daycare teacher 
* 日托工作者 daycare worker 
* 幼儿教育助理 early childhood assistant 
* 早期儿童教育工作者 early childhood education worker 
* 幼教(E.C.E.) early childhood educator (E.C.E.) 
* 儿童早期教育 - 学前教育 early childhood educator – preschool 
* 幼教助理 early childhood educator assistant 
* 幼儿教育计划参谋助手 early childhood program staff assistant 
* 幼儿教育主管 early childhood supervisor 
* 学龄前帮手 preschool helper 
* 学前教育主管 preschool supervisor 

## 4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理主要职责 Main duties 

### 幼儿教育工作者执行部分或全部下列职责:Early childhood educators perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 制定和实施儿童保健计划,支持和促进儿童的生理,认知,情绪和社会发展 
Develop and implement child-care programs that support and promote the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of children 

* 通过讲述或阅读故事,教歌曲,带孩子到当地的旅游景点来引导活动,并提供机会通过艺术,戏剧,音乐和身体活动等媒体活动让其表达创造力 
Lead activities by telling or reading stories, teaching songs, taking children to local points of interest and providing opportunities to express creativity through the media of art, dramatic play, music and physical activity 

* 规划和维护保护儿童健康,安全和福祉的环境 
Plan and maintain an environment that protects the health, security and well-being of children 

* 评估儿童的能力,兴趣和需求,并与家长和其他工作人员讨论进展情况或问题 
Assess the abilities, interests and needs of children and discuss progress or problems with parents and other staff members 

* 观察孩子潜在的学习或行为问题的迹象,并准备向父母,监护人或监管者汇报 
Observe children for signs of potential learning or behavioural problems and prepare reports for parents, guardians or supervisor 

* 引导和帮助儿童发展合适的饮食,穿衣,入厕习惯 
Guide and assist children in the development of proper eating, dressing and toilet habits 

* 与同事和从事儿童工作的社区服务提供商建立和保持合作关系 
Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with co-workers and community service providers working with children 

* 可能策划和组织正式上课时间前后的适龄儿童保健方案活动 
May plan and organize activities for school-age children in child-care programs before and after regular school hours 

* 监督和协调其他幼儿教育工作者及幼教助理的活动。 
May supervise and co-ordinate activities of other early childhood educators and early childhood educator assistants. 

### 幼教助理执行部分或全部下列职责:Early childhood educator assistants perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 协助幼儿教育工作者开展促进儿童的生理,认知,情绪和社会发展的方案 
Support early childhood educators in carrying out programs that promote the physical, cognitive, emotional and social development of children 

* 通过讲故事,教学歌曲和编制工艺品使儿童参与到活动中 
Engage children in activities by telling stories, teaching songs and preparing crafts 

* 准备零食,安排午餐的房间或家具以及休息时间 
Prepare snacks and arrange rooms or furniture for lunch and rest periods 

* 协助养成正确的吃饭,穿衣及入厕习惯 
Assist with proper eating, dressing and toilet habits 

* 向幼儿教育工作者或主管提交儿童书面观察表 
Submit written observations on children to early childhood educators or supervisors 

* 维持日托设备,并协助进行家务和做饭的职责 
Maintain daycare equipment and assist in housekeeping and cooking duties 

* 参加员工会议,讨论孩子的进步和存在的问题 
Attend staff meetings to discuss progress and problems of children 

* 可协助幼儿教育工作者或主管保留记录。 
May assist early childhood educators or supervisors in keeping records. 

## 4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理任职要求 Employment requirements  

### 幼儿教育工作者 Early childhood educators 

* 完成两到四年的幼儿教育大学课程 
Completion of a two- to four-year college program in early childhood education 

* 或必需是儿童发展大学本科学历。 
A bachelor's degree in child development is required. 

* 通常需要具有省级或本地区幼儿教育工作者协会颁发的(欧洲经委会)执照。 
Licensing by a provincial or territorial association for early childhood educators (ECE) is usually required. 

### 早期儿童教育工作者助理 Early childhood educator assistants 

* 必需完成中学学业。 
Completion of secondary school is required. 

* 必需具备照顾孩子的经验。 
Experience in child care is required. 

* 可能需要完成早期儿童教育助理认证课程或儿童早期教育大专课程。 
Completion of an early childhood education assistant certificate program or post-secondary courses in early childhood education may be required. 

* 可能需要省或地区的幼儿教育工作者协会(欧洲经委会)的许可。 
Licensing by a provincial or territorial association for early childhood educators (ECE) may be required. 

## 4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理附加信息 Additional information 

* 经过多年的经验,或者经验积累和高级ECE资质等级,可能晋升到高级职位,如托儿所的主管。 
Progression to senior positions, such as daycare supervisor, is possible with several years of experience or with experience and advanced ECE qualification levels. 

## 4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理其他分类 Classified elsewhere  

* 儿童保健中心管理员(经理在社会,社区和惩教服务) Child-care centre administrators (in 0423(0423) Managers in social, community and correctional services ) 
* 小学和中学教师助理 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants 4413(4413) 
* 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers 4032(4032) 

## 4214 幼儿教育工作者和助理职称头衔 All titles  

* 助手,日托 aide, daycare 
* 助手,幼儿园; aide, nursery school 
* 助理ECE assistant ECE 
* 婴儿护理工作者 baby-care worker 
* 婴儿护理工作者助理 baby-care worker assistant 
* 婴儿护理工作者主管 baby-care workers supervisor 
* 儿童保健工作者 - 日托 child care worker – daycare 
* 儿童护理员助理 child care worker assistant 
* 幼儿工作者,日托 child care worker, daycare 
* 合作社日托统筹 co-op daycare co-ordinator 
* 统筹,合作社日托 co-ordinator, co-op daycare 
* 统筹,日托 co-ordinator, daycare 
* 日托助手 daycare aide 
* 日托服务员 daycare attendant 
* 日托统筹 daycare co-ordinator 
* 日托帮手 daycare helper 
* 托儿所主管 daycare supervisor 
* 托儿所老师 daycare teacher 
* 日托工作者 daycare worker 
* 日托工人助理 daycare worker assistant 
* 幼儿教育助理 early childhood assistant 
* 早期儿童教育工作者 early childhood education worker 
* 儿童早期教育 - 初中幼儿园 early childhood educator – junior kindergarten 
* 儿童早期教育 - 幼儿园 early childhood educator – kindergarten 
* 儿童早期教育 - 学前教育 early childhood educator – preschool 
* 幼教(E.C.E.) early childhood educator (E.C.E.) 
* 幼教助理 early childhood educator assistant 
* 幼教助理 - 初中幼儿园 early childhood educator assistant – junior kindergarten 
* 幼教助理 - 幼儿园 early childhood educator assistant – kindergarten 
* 幼儿教育计划参谋助手 early childhood program staff assistant 
* 早期童年程序主管 early childhood program supervisor 
* 幼儿教育主管 early childhood supervisor 
* ECE助理 ECE assistant 
* 教育家助理 - 初中幼儿园 educator assistant – junior kindergarten 
* 帮手,日托 helper, daycare 
* 帮手,托儿所 helper, nursery school 
* 婴幼儿日托职工监事 infant daycare workers supervisor 
* 婴幼儿日托工人 infants' daycare worker 
* 幼儿园校助手 nursery school aide 
* 托儿所帮手 nursery school helper 
* 幼儿园老师 nursery school teacher 
* 学龄前帮手 preschool helper 
* 学前教育主管 preschool supervisor 
* 教师,日托 teacher, daycare