4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers


## 4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers  


Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers conduct research, produce reports and administer health care policies and programs. They are employed by government departments and agencies, consulting establishments, universities, research institutes, hospitals, community agencies, educational institutions, professional associations, non-governmental organizations and international organizations. 

## 4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员头衔范例 Example Titles  

* 顾问,吸毒和酗酒 consultant, drug and alcohol abuse 
* 保健顾问 consultant, health care 
* 顾问,心理健康计划 consultant, mental health programs 
* 卫生保健规划师 health care planner 
* 健康促进项目官员 health promotion program officer 
* 卫生服务研究员 health services researcher 
* 规划人员,儿童保健计划 planning officer, child health care programs 
* 政策制定人员,养老院 policy development officer, nursing homes 
* 研究分析师,健康政策 research analyst, health policy 

## 4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员主要职责 Main duties 

卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员执行部分或全部下列职责:Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 通过检查相关文献,进行采访,收集和分析统计数据,以及针对如下问题向高级管理人员和官员提供建议,如健康促进,法规,标准和融资等,协助开发政府卫生政策 
Assist in developing government health policy by reviewing relevant literature, conducting interviews, collecting and analysing statistical data, and providing advice to senior managers and officials on issues such as health promotion, regulation, standards and financing 

* 设计和实施卫生项目或方案 
Design and implement health projects or programs 

* 维护,更新和管理健康信息数据库 
Maintain, update and manage health information databases 

* 汇编和分析私人和公共医疗保健机构和组织提供的统计资料,并生成报告 
Compile and analyse statistical information provided by private and public health care institutions and organizations and produce reports 

* 监测和评估由政府部门和机构或私人组织经营的医疗保健项目 
Monitor and evaluate health care programs operated by government departments and agencies or private organizations 

* 评估是否符合卫生标准,并确定需要采取补救措施 
Assess compliance with health standards and identify remedial action if necessary 

* 评价和评估健康项目和计划 
Conduct evaluations and assessments of health projects and programs 

* 向私人机构或政府部门或机构的客户提供咨询服务 
Provide consulting services to clients in private establishments or government departments or agencies 

* 应对内部和外部程序和政策信息请求 
Respond to internal and external program and policy information requests 

* 生成简报,杂志和其他文件,为协会或组织的成员或​​一般公众提供信息 
Produce newsletters, magazines and other documents to provide information to association or organization members or the general public 

* 向政治家,政府官员,媒体或公众呈现协会或组织的意见。 
Present the views of an association or organization to politicians, government officials, the media or the general public. 

* 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员可能会专注于某一领域的卫生政策制定和研究或项目的管理,如网瘾的研究。 
Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers may specialize in a particular area of health policy development, research or program administration such as addiction research. 

## 4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员任职要求 Employment requirements

* 必需是健康科学,公共管理,娱乐管理或医院管理大学本科学历或大专文凭,或社会科学的学士学位。 
A bachelor's degree or college diploma in health science, public administration, recreation administration or hospital administration, or a bachelor's degree in social science, is required. 

* 可能需要健康,社会科学或行政纪律的研究生学位。 
A graduate degree in health, social science or an administrative discipline may be required. 

* 通常需要多年卫生领域的卫生保健专业人士,或社区或社会服务工作者的经验。 
Several years of experience in the health field as a health care professional or as a community or social service worker are usually required. 

## 4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员附加信息 Additional information  

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到管理职位。 
Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience. 

## 4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员其他分类 Classified elsewhere  

* 教育政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers 4166(4166) 
* 政府经营者 - 卫生和社会政策的制定和计划管理 Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration 0411(0411) 
* 经理在医疗保健 Managers in health care 0311(0311) 
* 社会和社区服务工作者 Social and community service workers 4212(4212) 
* 社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers 4164(4164) 

## 4165 卫生政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员职称头衔 All titles  

* 评审人员,卫生和社会服务机构 accreditation officer, health and social services institution 
* 儿童保健方案规划人员 child health care programs planning officer 
* 临床研究联营公司 clinical research associate 
* 临床研究项目经理 clinical research program manager 
* 临床试验协调员 clinical trials co-ordinator 
* 顾问,吸毒和酗酒 consultant, drug and alcohol abuse 
* 保健顾问 consultant, health care 
* 顾问,健康护理计划 consultant, health care planning 
* 顾问,家庭护理计划 consultant, home-care programs 
* 顾问,劳动力规划 - 卫生部门 consultant, labour force planning – health sector 
* 顾问,心理健康计划 consultant, mental health programs 
* 验尸官 coroner 
* 牙齿健康顾问 dental health consultant 
* 药物和酒精滥用顾问 drug and alcohol abuse consultant 
* 卫生和社会服务机构认证官 health and social services institution accreditation officer 
* 卫生和社会服务联络官 health and social services liaison officer 
* 保健协会项目官员 health care association program officer 
* 保健顾问 health care consultant 
* 卫生保健规划师 health care planner 
* 卫生保健规划顾问 health care planning consultant 
* 卫生保健规划人员 health care planning officer 
* 保健计划行政主任 health care program administration officer 
* 保健研究员 health care researcher 
* 健康教育 health educator 
* 卫生政策开发人员 health policy development officer 
* 卫生政策研究分析师 health policy research analyst 
* 健康计划信息分析师 health program information analyst 
* 健康促进项目官员 health promotion program officer 
* 健康研究人员 health research officer 
* 卫生服务顾问 health services consultant 
* 健康服务方案顾问 health services program consultant 
* 卫生服务研究人员 health services research officer 
* 卫生服务研究员 health services researcher 
* 家庭护理计划顾问 home-care programs consultant 
* 劳动力规划顾问 - 卫生部门 labour force planning consultant – health sector 
* 联络官,卫生和社会服务 liaison officer, health and social services 
* 长期护理计划顾问 long-term care program consultant 
* 心理健康课程顾问 mental health programs consultant 
* 养老院指引开发人员 nursing home guidelines development officer 
* 养老院的策略开发官 nursing home policy development officer 
* 主任,卫生保健规划 officer, health care planning 
* 主任,卫生政策发展 officer, health policy development 
* 规划师,保健 planner, health care 
* 规划顾问,医疗保健 planning consultant, health care 
* 统筹规划,区卫生局程序 planning co-ordinator, district health council program 
* 规划人员,儿童保健计划 planning officer, child health care programs 
* 规划人员,医疗保健 planning officer, health care 
* 政策制定主任,卫生 policy development officer, health 
* 政策制定人员,养老院 policy development officer, nursing homes 
* 预防人员 - 职业健康和安全 prevention officer – occupational health and safety 
* 保健协会项目官员 program officer, health care association 
* 程序人员,促进健康 program officer, health promotion 
* 研究分析师健康政策 research analyst, health policy 
* 研究人员,卫生服务 research officer, health services 
* 研究员,医疗保健; researcher, health care 
* 健康顾问 wellness consultant 
* 健康统筹 wellness co-ordinator 
* 健康计划统筹 wellness program co-ordinator