4162 经济学家和经济政策研究分析员 Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts


## 4162 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts  


Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts conduct research, monitor data, analyze information and prepare reports and plans to resolve economic and business problems and develop models to analyze, explain and forecast economic behaviour and patterns. They advise on matters such as finance, fiscal and monetary policy, international trade, agricultural and natural resource commodities and labour and industrial markets. They are employed by government departments and agencies and throughout the private sector in associations, unions, research organizations, banks and investment firms. 

## 4162 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师头衔范例 Example Titles  

* 农业经济学家 agricultural economist 
* 经济顾问 economic advisor 
* 经济分析师 economic analyst 
* 经济政策分析师 economic policy analyst 
* 经济学家 economist 
* 经济学家,自然资源 economist, natural resources 
* 能源经济学家 energy economist 
* 金融经济学家 financial economist 
* 工业经济学家 industrial economist 
* 国际贸易经济学家 international trade economist 
* 投资经济学家 investment economist 
* 劳动经济学家 labour economist 
* 税务经济学家 tax economist 
* 贸易经济学家 trade economist 

## 4162 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师主要职责 Main duties  

经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师执行部分或全部下列职责:Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts perform some or all of the following duties: 

* 进行研究和开发模型,来分析,解释和预测经济行为和模式,并制定数据的收集和分析方法 
Conduct research and develop models to analyze, explain and forecast economic behaviour and patterns, and devise methods for collection and analysis of data 

* 根据过去的生产和消费及整体经济和行业特定的条件记录,预测特定产品和服务的生产和消费 
Forecast production and consumption of specific products and services based on records of past production and consumption and general economic and industry-specific conditions 

* 准备收入和支出,利率和汇率的预测 
Prepare forecasts of income and expenditure, interest rates and exchange rates 

* 分析决定经济增长的因素和政策,向政府机构提供有关增加经济活动的政策意见 
Analyze factors which determine economic growth and advise government agencies on policies to increase economic activities 

* 分析决定劳动力参与,就业,工资,失业和其他劳动力市场结果的因素 
Analyze factors which determine labour force participation, employment, wages, unemployment and other labour market outcomes 

* 研究数学公式和统计技术,并应用到经济理论的测试和量化以及经济问题的解决方案中 
Study mathematical formulae and statistical techniques and apply them to the testing and quantifying of economic theories and the solution of economic problems 

* 研究货币,信贷和银行及其他金融机构的运作的性质,制定货币政策和金融活动预测 
Study the nature of money, credit and the operation of banks and other financial institutions to develop monetary policies and forecasts of financial activity 

* 监测经济数据,对货币政策和财政政策的有效性进行评估,并提出恰当的建议 
Monitor economic data to assess the effectiveness, and advise on the appropriateness, of monetary and fiscal policies 

* 检查与个别企业的经济活动有关的问题 
Examine problems related to the economic activity of individual companies 

* 检查财务方法,生产成本及技术和营销政策,推荐可能的改善策略 
Examine financial methods, production costs and techniques and marketing policies to recommend possible improvements 

* 检查有关国家之间的货物和服务的交换的统计数据 
Examine statistical data on the exchange of goods and services among nations 

* 预测可再生资源的生产和消费,以及不可再生资源的供应,消费和枯竭。 
Forecast production and consumption of renewable resources and supply, consumption and depletion of non-renewable resources 

* 对当地,地区或民族地区的市场情况进行调研,制定商品和服务的销售和价格水平,以评估市场潜力和未来发展趋势,并制定业务策略 
Conduct research on market conditions in local, regional or national area to set sales and pricing levels for goods and services, to assess market potential and future trends and to develop business strategies 

* 监控区域和地方经济趋势 
Monitor regional and local economic trends 

* 研究监管过程,提供支持政府和其他各方的法律程序材料。 
Study regulatory processes and provide material in support of legal proceedings with government and other parties. 

## 4162 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师任职要求 Employment requirements 

* 通常必需是经济学或相关学科,如工商管理或统计数据的硕士学位。 
A master's degree in economics or in a related discipline such as business administration or statistics is usually required. 

* 可能必需是经济学博士学位。 
A doctorate in economics may be required. 

## 4162 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师附加信息 Additional information  

* 随着经验积累,可能晋升到经济学管理职位。 
Progression to managerial positions in economics is possible with experience. 

## 4162 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师其他分类 Classified elsewhere  

* 商业发展主任及营销研究人员和顾问 Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants 4163(4163) 
* 经济学家在大学任教(大学教授和讲师) Economists who teach at universities (in 4011(4011) University professors and lecturers ) 
* 财务及投资分析员 Financial and investment analysts 1112(1112) 
* 政府管理者 - 经济分析,政策制定和计划管理 Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration 0412(0412) 
* 劳工政策分析家(社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员) Labour policy analysts (in 4164(4164) Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers ) 

## 4162 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师职称头衔 All titles  

* 农业经济学家 agricultural economist 
* 经济分析师 analyst, economic 
* 分析师,财政经济学 analyst, fiscal economics 
* 业务分析师 - 经济学 business analyst – economics 
* 商业经济学家 business economist 
* 消费顾问 - 经济学 consumer advisor – economics 
* 发展经济学家 development economist 
* 计量经济学家 econometrician 
* 经济顾问 economic advisor 
* 经济分析师 economic analyst 
* 经济顾问 economic consultant 
* 经济政策顾问 economic policy adviser 
* 经济政策分析师 economic policy analyst 
* 经济政策研究员 economic policy researcher 
* 经济研究小组主管 economic research group supervisor 
* 经济学家 economist 
* 经济学家,自然资源 economist, natural resources 
* 能源经济学家 energy economist 
* 农业经济学家 farm economist 
* 金融经济学家 financial economist 
* 金融市场经济学家 financial market economist 
* 财政经济分析师 fiscal economics analyst 
* 森林经济学家 forest economist 
* 森林资源经济学家 forest resources economist 
* 总经济师 general economist 
* 卫生经济学家 health economist 
* 人力资源经济学家 human resources economist 
* 工业经济学家 industrial economist 
* 工业关系的经济学家 industrial relations economist 
* 工业贸易经济学家 industrial trade economist 
* 国际贸易经济学家 international trade economist 
* 投资经济学家 investment economist 
* 劳动经济学家 labour economist 
* 劳动力市场信息分析师 labour market information analyst 
* 土地利用经济学家 land use economist 
* 数理经济学家 mathematical economist 
* 自然资源经济学家 natural resources economist 
* 价格经济学家 price economist 
* 区域经济学家 regional economist 
* 资源经济学家 resource economist 
* 风险管理分析师 risk management analyst 
* 薪酬分析师 - 经济政策 salary analyst – economic policy 
* 社会经济学家 social economist 
* 监事,经济研究小组 supervisor, economic research group 
* 税务经济学家 tax economist 
* 国土资源经济学家 territorial resources economist 
* 行业分析师 trade analyst 
* 贸易经济学家 trade economist 
* 运输经济学家 transport economist 
* 分析师工资 - 经济政策 wage analyst – economic policy 
* 福利经济学家 welfare economist