    4155 缓刑和假释专员相关职业 Probation and Parole Officers and Related Occupations


    ## 4155 缓刑和假释官及相关行业 Probation and parole officers and related occupations  


    Probation officers monitor the conduct and behaviour of criminal offenders serving probation terms. Parole officers monitor the reintegration of criminal offenders serving the remainder of sentences while conditionally released into the community on parole. Classification officers assess inmates and develop rehabilitation programs for criminal offenders who are incarcerated in correctional facilities. They are employed by federal and provincial governments and work in the community and in correctional facilities. 

    ## 4155 缓刑和假释官及相关行业头衔范例 Example Titles  

    * 个案经理 - 惩教 case manager – corrections 
    * 分类人员,惩教机构 classification officer, correctional institution 
    * 假释官 parole officer 
    * 缓刑官 probation officer 
    * 青年工人 - 惩教 youth worker – corrections 

    ## 4155 缓刑和假释官及相关行业主要职责 Main duties  

    ### 缓刑和假释官执行部分或全部下列职责:Probation and parole officers perform some or all of the following duties: 

    * 采访罪犯,警察,家庭,朋友,学校当局和雇主,准备预判的报告,并评估罪犯重新融入社会的前景。 
    Interview offenders, police, family, friends, school authorities and employers to prepare pre-sentence reports and assess offenders' prospects for successful reintegration into the community 

    * 计划适合罪犯的康复项目,建立行为规则,目的和目标 
    Plan rehabilitation programs with offenders, establishing rules of conduct, goals and objectives 

    * 按照要求让罪犯参与社区和社会服务项目 
    Refer offenders to community and social service programs, as required 

    * 监督缓刑命令的条款,并出庭 
    Supervise the terms of a probation order and attend court 

    * 定期跟踪采访缓刑人员和假释人员,评估他们完成目标的进度以及他们维持试用期合同和康复计划中规定的条款的情况 
    Interview probationers and parolees regularly to evaluate their progress in accomplishing goals and maintaining the terms specified in their probation contracts and rehabilitation plans 

    * 当违反缓刑或假释的条款时,推荐补救措施或启动法庭诉讼 
    Recommend remedial action or initiate court action when terms of probation or parole are violated 

    * 可能执行行政职务,并监督辅助人员 
    May perform administrative duties and supervise support staff 

    * 可能参与政策制定。 
    May participate in policy development. 

    ### 惩教机构的分类人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Classification officers, correctional institutions, perform some or all of the following duties: 

    * 面试囚犯,评估调整问题,并制定合适的康复方案 
    Interview inmates to assess adjustment problems and develop suitable rehabilitation programs 

    * 准备分类报告,推荐最有利于犯人回归的监禁类型和干预措施类型。 
    Prepare classification reports recommending type of incarceration and types of interventions considered most beneficial for the rehabilitation of the inmates 

    * 计划罪犯的康复方案,确定需求并设定目的和目标 
    Plan rehabilitation programs with offenders, identifying needs and setting out goals and objectives 

    * 与受刑人家属和其社会上的联络人保持联系,以保留机构以外的既定债券 
    Liaise with the inmates' families and contacts in the community to maintain established bonds outside of the institution 

    * 建议并忠告囚犯有关他们的问题,并评估他们的进展。 
    Advise and counsel inmates regarding their problems and evaluate their progress. 

    ## 4155 缓刑和假释官及相关行业任职要求 Employment requirements 

    * 必需是社会工作,犯罪学,心理学,社会学或其他相关的社会科学学科的大学本科学历。 
    A bachelor's degree in social work, criminology, psychology, sociology or other related social science discipline is required. 

    * 可能需要社会工作,犯罪学,心理学或其他相关的社会科学学科硕士学位。 
    A master's degree in social work, criminology, psychology or other related social science discipline may be required. 

    ## 4155 缓刑和假释官及相关行业附加信息 Additional information 

    * 经过额外的培训或经验积累,可能晋升到惩教服务的管理职位 
    Progression to correctional service management positions is possible with additional training or experience. 

    ## 4155 缓刑和假释官及相关行业其他分类 Classified elsewhere 

    * 惩教服务人员 Correctional service officers 4422(4422) 
    * 惩教服务经理(经理在社会,社区和惩教服务) Correctional services managers (in 0423(0423) Managers in social, community and correctional services ) 
    * 社会和社区服务工作者 Social and community service workers 4212(4212) 
    * 社会工作者 Social workers 4152(4152) 

    ## 4155 缓刑和假释官及相关行业职称头衔 All titles 

    * 个案管理工作者 - 惩教 case management worker – corrections 
    * 个案经理 - 惩教 case manager – corrections 
    * 分类辅导员 - 惩教 classification counsellor – corrections 
    * 分类人员,惩教机构 classification officer, correctional institution 
    * 宽大官 - 惩教 clemency officer – corrections 
    * 社区个案经理人员 - 惩教 community case manager officer – corrections 
    * 惩教中心的个案工作者 correctional centre caseworker 
    * 假释官 parole officer 
    * 假释监督员 parole supervisor 
    * 缓刑和假释人员 probation and parole officer 
    * 缓刑官 probation officer 
    * 社会救助项目官员 - 惩教 social assistance program officer – corrections 
    * 福利计划人员 - 惩教 welfare program officer – corrections 
    * 青年工人 - 惩教 youth worker – corrections