## 4154 专业职业宗教 Professional occupations in religion
Ministers of religion conduct religious services, administer the rites of a religious faith or denomination, provide spiritual and moral guidance and perform other functions associated with the practice of a religion. Ministers of religion perform these duties in churches, synagogues, temples or other places of worship. They may also work in other institutions such as schools, hospitals and prisons.
## 4154 专业职业宗教头衔范例 Example Titles
* 大主教 archbishop
* 主教 bishop
* 主教 cardinal
* 牧师 chaplain
* 传道者 evangelist
* 引导者 granthi
* 阿訇 imam
* 部长 minister
* 主持人 - 宗教 moderator – religion
* 牧师 pastor
* 牧师 priest
* 拉比 rabbi
## 4154 专业职业宗教主要职责 Main duties
宗教部长执行部分或全部下列职责:Ministers of religion perform some or all of the following duties:
* 执行定期的宗教服务
Conduct regular religious services
* 主持信仰仪式,如结婚和葬礼
Administer rites of faiths such as marriages and funerals
* 通过布道和其他会谈,祈祷和促进灵性
Pray and promote spirituality by delivering sermons and other talks
* 向宗教信仰的成员提供精神和道德的指导
Provide spiritual and moral guidance to members of a religious faith
* 监督,规划和管理宗教教育方案
Supervise, plan and administer programs of religious education
* 可能参与人道主义努力,社会服务和公益活动
May participate in humanitarian endeavours, social services and welfare activities
* 分担一个宗教社区的行政和财政运作
May share in the administrative and financial operation of a religious community
* 可能向政府和其他组织提供咨询服务。
May provide consultation services to government and other organizations.
## 4154 专业职业宗教任职要求 Employment requirements
* 根据不同的宗教,教育的要求不尽相同,从宗教研究学院或其他课程到主神学士学位。
Educational requirements vary, depending on the religion, and range from the completion of a college or other program in religious studies to a master's of divinity degree.
* 通常需要与高级部长共同学习一段时期。
A period of study with a senior minister is usually required.
## 4154 专业职业宗教附加信息 Additional information
* 随着经验积累,可能发展到本单元组的宗教秩序内的高级职位。
Progression to senior positions included in this unit group, within a religious order, is possible with experience.
## 4154 专业职业宗教其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 其他宗教职业 Other religious occupations 4217(4217)
## 4154 专业职业宗教职称头衔 All titles
* 大主教 archbishop
* 副主教 archdeacon
* 侍郎 - 宗教 assistant minister – religion
* 主教 bishop
* 枢机主教 cardinal
* 校长 - 宗教 chancellor – religion
* 牧师 chaplain
* 牧师/男/女 clergyman/woman
* 牧师 curate
* 传道者 evangelist
* 引导者 granthi
* 阿訇 imam
* 部长 minister
* 部长-宗教 minister – religion
* 主持人 - 宗教 moderator – religion
* 主礼牧师/男/女 officiating clergyman/woman
* 教区神父 parish priest
* 牧师 pastor
* 牧师 preacher
* 长老 presbyter
* 牧师 priest
* 拉比 rabbi
* 牧师 reverend
* 救世军委托人员 Salvation Army commissioned officer
* 电视布道者 television evangelist