## 4151 心理学家 Psychologists
Psychologists assess and diagnose behavioural, emotional and cognitive disorders, counsel clients, provide therapy, conduct research and apply theory relating to behaviour and mental processes. Psychologists help clients work toward the maintenance and enhancement of psychological, physical, intellectual, emotional, social and interpersonal functioning. Psychologists work in private practice or in clinics, correctional facilities, hospitals, mental health facilities, rehabilitation centres, community service organizations, businesses, schools and universities, and in government and private research agencies.
## 4151 心理学家头衔范例 Example Titles
* 临床心理学家 clinical psychologist
* 实验心理学家 experimental psychologist
* 心理协会 psychological associate
* 心理学家 psychologist
* 研究心理学家 research psychologist
## 4151 心理学家主要职责 Main duties
心理学家执行部分或全部下列职责:Psychologists perform some or all of the following duties:
* 检查和评估行为,行为,情绪和认知功能障碍诊断,建议客户,并提供治疗。
Examine and assess behaviour, diagnose behavioural, emotional and cognitive disorders, counsel clients and provide therapy
* 帮助客户理疗身体疾病和障碍
Help clients manage physical illness and disorders
* 建议个人和团体,以达到更有效的个人,社会和职业的发展和调整,并提供调解服务
Counsel individuals and groups to achieve more effective personal, social and vocational development and adjustment, and offer mediation services
* 使用标准的心理测试进行评估
Use standard psychological tests for assessment
* 计划干预方案和进行方案的评价
Plan intervention programs and conduct program evaluation
* 应用有关行为和精神过程的心理学的理论和原则,如学习,语言发展,记忆和认知,来制定治疗方案
Apply psychological theory and principles regarding behaviour and mental processes such as learning, language development, memory and perception to develop treatment programs
* 拟定假设和实验设计,综述文献,进行研究并发表研究论文,教育文本和文章
Formulate hypotheses and experimental designs, review literature, conduct studies and publish research papers, educational texts and articles
* 提供会议,研讨会或座谈会的报告
Deliver presentations at conferences, workshops or symposia
* 向政府和其他组织提供咨询服务。
Provide consultation services to government and other organizations.
* 心理学家可以专注于应用心理学或实验研究。子专业包括行为主义心理学,儿童心理学,认知心理学,发展心理学,教育心理学,工业心理学,神经心理学,社会心理学或运动心理学。
Psychologists may specialize in applied psychology or experimental research. Sub-specialties include behavioural psychology, child psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, industrial psychology, neuropsychology, social psychology or sports psychology.
## 4151 心理学家任职要求 Employment requirements
* 在魁北克省,安大略省,马尼托巴省和不列颠哥伦比亚省,要使用指定的“心理学家”头衔,必须取得心理学博士学位。
A doctoral degree in psychology is required in order to use the designation "Psychologist" in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia.
* 必需取得心理学的硕士学位才能在纽芬兰和拉布拉多省,新斯科舍省,新不伦瑞克省,萨斯喀彻温省,阿尔伯塔省和西北地区使用指定的“心理学家”头衔。
A master's degree in psychology is required for the designation "Psychologist" in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
* 必须取得心理学硕士学位才可在安大略省和曼尼托巴省使用指定的“心理助理”头衔。
A master's degree in psychology is required in order to use the designation "Psychological Associate" in Ontario and Manitoba.
* 在爱德华王子岛省,取得博士学位才可以进行私人执业,或在指定的机构和代理处进行实践并具有硕士学位。
In Prince Edward Island, a doctoral degree is required to work in private practice, or a master's degree with practice limited to institutions and agencies.
* 在大多数司法管辖区都要求具有一个时期的监管的实践经验。
A period of supervised practical experience is required in most jurisdictions.
* 在大多数省份需要通过心理学专业实践书面考试(EPPP)。
Successful completion of the written Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) is required in most provinces.
* 一些省份要求参加口语考试以及董事会面试。
Oral examinations and board interviews are required in some provinces.
* 在所有的省,努纳武特地区和西北地区都要求通过监管机构注册。
Registration with a regulatory body is required in all provinces, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.
* 在所有省,努纳武特地区和西北地区,心理学家省级以上专业协会的成员资格是强制性的。
Membership in the provincial professional association for psychologists is mandatory in all provinces, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.
* 心理学家通过培训和经验可以专长于某一特定领域。
Psychologists can become specialized in a particular area through training and experience.
## 4151 心理学家附加信息 Additional information
* 心理协会获得省级监管部门的许可,履行通常只限于心理学家的职责,特别是心理障碍诊断和与客户沟通诊断。
Psychological associates may be granted permission by provincial regulatory authorities to perform duties normally restricted to psychologists, specifically diagnosing psychological disorders and communicating diagnoses to clients.
## 4151 心理学家其他分类 Classified elsewhere
* 家庭,婚姻和其他相关的辅导员 Family, marriage and other related counsellors 4153(4153)
* 精神科(专科医师) Psychiatrists (in 3111(3111) Specialist physicians )
* 大学任教心理学家(大学教授和讲师) Psychologists who teach at universities (in 4011(4011) University professors and lecturers )
* 心理学研究助理,非大学(社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员) Psychology research assistants, non-university (in 4164(4164) Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers )
* 心理学研究助理,大学(大专教学和研究助理) Psychology research assistants, university (in 4012(4012) Post-secondary teaching and research assistants )
* 心理计量学家(其他专业职业在社会科学中,NEC) Psychometrists (in 4169(4169) Other professional occupations in social science, n.e.c. )
## 4151 心理学家职称头衔 All titles
* 行为修正心理学家 behavioural modification psychologist
* 行为心理学家 behavioural psychologist
* 行为治疗师 behavioural therapist
* 行为主义者 behaviourist
* 生物心理学家 biopsychologist
* 特许心理学家 chartered psychologist
* 儿童心理学家 child psychologist
* 临床心理学家 clinical psychologist
* 认知心理学家 cognitive psychologist
* 社会心理学家 community psychologist
* 辅导心理学家 counselling psychologist
* 发展心理学家 developmental psychologist
* 教育心理学家 educational psychologist
* 实验心理学家 experimental psychologist
* 法医心理学家 forensic psychologist
* 人类发展心理学家 human development psychologist
* 工业心理学家 industrial psychologist
* 实习生心理学家 intern psychologist
* 神经心理学家 neuropsychologist
* 组织心理学家 organizational psychologist
* 生理心理学家 physiological psychologist
* 心理联营公司 psychological associate
* 心理学家 psychologist
* 心理学家 - 辅导 psychologist – counselling
* 心理学家,学校 psychologist, school
* 心理治疗师 psychotherapist
* 注册心理学家 registered psychologist
* 研究心理学家 research psychologist
* 学校心理学家 school psychologist
* 社会心理学家 social psychologist
* 运动心理学家 sports psychologist
* 职业心理学家 vocational psychologist