3237 治疗和评估的其他技术职业 Other Technical Occupations in Therapy and Assessment


3237 治疗和评估的其他技术职业 Other Technical Occupations in Therapy and Assessment


This unit group includes workers, not elsewhere classified, who perform various technical therapy and assessment functions. Some may assist professionals such as audiologists, speech-language pathologists, ophthalmologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. They are employed in hospitals, clinics, extended care facilities, rehabilitation centres, educational institutions and in the private practices of the professionals they assist.


3237 治疗和评估的其他技术职业头衔范例 Example Titles


听力学技师 audiology technician
听力助理 audiometric assistant
听力技师 audiometric technician
沟通障碍助理 communicative disorders assistant
助听器医生 hearing instrument practitioner
职业治疗助理 occupational therapy assistant
眼科助理 ophthalmic assistant
眼科技师 ophthalmic technician
眼科技师 ophthalmic technologist
眼科医生助理 ophthalmologist assistant
身体康复技师 physical rehabilitation technician
理疗技师 physiotherapy technician
语音技术人员 speech technician
言语治疗师助理 speech therapy assistant


3237 治疗和评估的其他技术职业主要职责 Main duties


以下是本单元组一些职业的主要职责总结:The following is a summary of the main duties for some occupations in this unit group:

Hearing instrument practitioners examine adult clients to assess hearing loss using diagnostic evaluation and electro acoustic testing; recommend and dispense appropriate type of hearing instrument; take earmold impressions for use in the manufacture of hearing devices; fit, adjust and make minor modifications to hearing instruments; educate clients in appropriate use, care and maintenance of hearing instruments and perform follow-up examinations and readjustments.

Audiometric technicians, under the supervision of audiologists, administer tests such as pure tone hearing screening, impedance tests and noise level measurements using equipment such as audiometers and sound level meters to determine hearing thresholds of patients; instruct patients on test procedures and record results; monitor, check and calibrate auditory equipment; may take earmold impressions and fit and adjust hearing instruments.

Communicative disorders assistants and speech-language pathology assistants assist speech-language pathologists during assessment of patients; carry out treatment programs and develop materials for use with patients, under the supervision of speech-language pathologists; document patient rehabilitation progress; and check and maintain therapeutic equipment and materials.

Ophthalmic medical assistants operate ophthalmic testing and measuring instruments to aid ophthalmologists in assessing patients' vision; record test results; assist ophthalmologists in office surgery; administer eye drops, ointments and medications as directed by ophthalmologists; clean and maintain instruments and equipment used during examinations; take patients' general medical and ophthalmic history; and perform various administrative duties.

Physiotherapy assistants and occupational therapy assistants, under the direction of physiotherapists and/or occupational therapists, carry out treatment programs such as thermotherapy, traction, hydrotherapy and electrotherapeutic techniques to rehabilitate patients with various injuries or disabilities to maximize their ability to independently manage daily activities.


3237 治疗和评估的其他技术职业任职要求 Employment requirements


Hearing instrument practitioners require completion of a three-year college diploma in a hearing instrument specialist program, including a period of supervised training.

Licensure with a regulatory body is required for hearing instrument practitioners in all provinces except in Ontario where membership with the Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners (AHIP) is required. Hearing instrument practitioners can prescribe and dispense hearing instruments except in Ontario where dispensing is dependant on a prescription from a physician or audiologist.

听力技术人员和交际障碍,语言病理学助理要求完成为期12 - 18个月的沟通障碍大学课程
Audiometric technicians and communicative disorders and speech-language pathology assistants require completion of a 12- to 18-month college program in communicative disorders

Some post-secondary education and on-the-job training.

Ophthalmic medical assistants require completion of a one- to two-year college program or a two-year hospital-based training program in ophthalmic medical technology

A minimum of one year of supervised practical training under an ophthalmologist and completion of an approved ophthalmic assistant home study program.

Physiotherapy assistants require completion of a two- to three-year college program in physical rehabilitation therapy

A two-year physical therapy assistant (PTA) program and supervised practical training.

Occupational therapy assistants require completion of a two-year occupational therapy assistant (OTA) college program.


3237 治疗和评估的其他技术职业附加信息 Additional information


Currently, the qualifications of physical rehabilitation technicians are recognized only in the province of Quebec.

在大多数省份,职业治疗助理(OTA)和理疗助理(PTA)要接受社区学院单一的OTA / PTA项目培训。
In most provinces occupational therapy assistants (OTA) and physiotherapy assistants (PTA) receive training through a single OTA/PTA program in community colleges.


3237 治疗和评估的其他技术职业其他分类 Classified elsewhere


医疗技师和技术员(除了牙齿健康) Medical technologists and technicians (except dental health) 321(321)
医疗保健技术职业 Other technical occupations in health care 323(323)
理疗助手和整脊助手(其他协助职业卫生服务的支持) Physiotherapy helpers and chiropractic aides (in 3414(3414) Other assisting occupations in support of health services )


3237 治疗和评估的其他技术职业职称头衔 All titles


助理,物理​​治疗 aide, physical therapy
助手,语音 aide, speech
助手,言语治疗 aide, speech therapy
助理,听力 assistant, audiometric
助手,沟通障碍 assistant, communication disorders
助理,助听器 assistant, hearing aid
助理,职业治疗师 assistant, occupational therapist
助理,职业治疗 assistant, occupational therapy
助理,眼科 assistant, ophthalmic
助理,语言 assistant, speech language
助理,言语治疗 assistant, speech therapy
助听设备技术员 assistive listening device technician
听力技师 audiological technician
听力学技师 audiology technician
听力助手 audiometric aide
听力助理 audiometric assistant
听力技师 audiometric technician
听力技师 - 公众健康 audiometric technician – public health
听力技师 audiometrician
听力技术人员 audiometrist
听力技术人员助手 audiometrist aide
通信助手 - 医疗 communication aide – medical
通信助理 - 医疗 communication assistant – medical
沟通障碍助理 communication disorders assistant
沟通障碍指导员 communication disorders instructor
沟通障碍助理 communicative disorders assistant
沟通障碍指导员 communicative disorders instructor
助听器助理 hearing aid assistant
助听器顾问 hearing aid consultant
助听器经销商 hearing aid dealer
助听器的经销商和顾问 hearing aid dealer and consultant
助听器医生 hearing aid practitioner
助听器专家 hearing aid specialist
助听器技师 hearing aid technician
听力评估技术员 hearing assessment technician
听力障碍技术员 hearing disorder technician
助听器饮水机 hearing instrument dispenser
助听器医生 hearing instrument practitioner
助听器执业助理 hearing instrument practitioner assistant
助听器专家 hearing instrument specialist
工业听力技师 industrial audiometric technician
教练,沟通障碍 instructor, communication disorders
运动治疗专家 kinesitherapist
行货助听器专家 licensed hearing instrument specialist
手工艺术治疗师 manual arts therapist
职业治疗师助理 occupational therapist assistant
职业治疗助理 occupational therapy assistant
职业治疗技师 occupational therapy technician
眼科助理 ophthalmic assistant
眼科医疗助理 ophthalmic medical assistant
眼科医疗技术 ophthalmic medical technician
眼科医疗技术专家 ophthalmic medical technologist
眼科技师 ophthalmic technician
眼科技师(零售除外) ophthalmic technician (except retail)
眼科技师 ophthalmic technologist
眼科医生助理 ophthalmologist assistant
身体康复技师 physical rehabilitation technician
物理治疗师助理(PTA) physical therapist assistant (PTA)
理疗助手 physical therapy aide
理疗技师 physical therapy technician
物理治疗师助理(PTA) physiotherapist assistant (PTA)
理疗助手 physiotherapy aide
理疗助理 physiotherapy assistant
理疗技师 physiotherapy technician
PTA(物理治疗师助理) PTA (physical therapist assistant)
语音助手 speech aide
语音纠正师 - 医疗 speech correctionist – medical
语音语言助手 speech language assistant
语音技术人员 speech technician
言语治疗师助手 speech therapist aide
言语治疗师助理 speech therapist assistant
言语治疗助手 speech therapy aide
言语治疗师助理 speech therapy assistant
语言病理学助理 speech-language pathology assistant
技术员,助听装置 technician, assistive listening devices
技术员,听力 technician, audiology
技术员,听力 technician, audiometric
技术员,助听器 technician, hearing aids
技术员,听力评估 technician, hearing assessment
技术员,听力障碍 technician, hearing disorders
技师,职业治疗 technician, occupational therapy
技术员,眼科(零售除外) technician, ophthalmic (except retail)
技术员,身体康复 technician, physical rehabilitation
技师,物理治疗 technician, physiotherapy
技术员,言语 technician, speech
技术专家,眼科 technologist, ophthalmic