3212 医学实验室技师及病理学家助理 Medical Laboratory Technicians and Pathologists' Assistants


3212 医学实验室技师及病理学家助理 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants


Medical laboratory technicians conduct routine medical laboratory tests and set up, clean and maintain medical laboratory equipment. They are employed in medical laboratories in hospitals, clinics, research facilities, post-secondary educational institutions and government research laboratories. Pathologists' assistants assist at autopsies and examinations of surgical specimens or perform autopsies under a pathologist's supervision. They are usually employed in hospitals and universities.


3212 医学实验室技师及病理学家助理头衔范例 Example Titles


医学实验室助理 medical laboratory assistant
医疗实验室技术员 medical laboratory technician
病理科助理 pathology assistant
刺络医师 phlebotomist
刺骼辅助师 phlebotomy aidephlebotomy aide


3212 医学实验室技师及病理学家助理主要职责 Main duties



收集患者的血液、组织和其他标本;Collect blood, tissue and other samples from patients
记录患者样本并进行测试Log patient samples and prepare them for testing
设立医疗实验室器材;Set up medical laboratory equipment
进行常规实验室检查和标本分析Conduct routine laboratory tests and sample analyses
保证测试技术的质量;Perform quality assurance of testing techniques
清洁并维护医疗实验室和其中设备。Clean and maintain medical laboratory and medical laboratory equipment.


通过患者病历并安排射线超声检验来准备验尸;Prepare for autopsies by obtaining patients' medical records and arranging for radiographic examinations
在病理学家监督性协助操作尸检和手术标本考试;Assist with or perform autopsies and surgical specimen examinations under pathologists' supervision
为化学分析解剖、考核、称量并拍摄器官和标本,并收集组织标本;Dissect, examine, weigh and photograph organs and specimens, collect tissue samples for chemical analysis and record findings
根据已确定的安全程序舍弃相关标本;Discard specimens according to established safety procedures
清洁并维护仪器、设备和用品。Clean and maintain instruments, equipment and supplies
为殡仪馆准备尸体以进行尸检;May prepare bodies for release to funeral homes following completion of autopsies
监督并培训初级病理学家和停尸房工作人员。May supervise and train junior resident pathologists and morgue attendants


3212 医学实验室技师及病理学家助理任职要求 Employment requirements


Medical laboratory technicians/assistants require completion of a college certificate program in medical laboratory science.

Certification by the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science may be required for medical laboratory technicians/assistants.

Combined laboratory and X-ray technicians require completion of a combined laboratory X-ray technology program.

Pathologists' assistants require some post-secondary courses or a university degree in life sciences and Specialized on-the-job training.


3212 医学实验室技师及病理学家助理其他分类 Classified elsewhere


非医疗实验室生物技术人员 Biological technicians in non-medical laboratories (in 2221(2221) Biological technologists and technicians )
非医疗实验室化学技术人员C hemical technicians in non-medical laboratories (in 2211(2211) Chemical technologists and technicians )
化学实验技术专家 Medical laboratory technologists (3211(3211))


3212 医学实验室技师及病理学家助理职称头衔 Titles


医学实验室助手 aide, medical laboratory
医学实验室助理 assistant, medical laboratory
病历助理 assistant, pathology
医学实验室生化技师 biochemical technician – medical laboratory
医学实验室生物技术员 biological technician – medical laboratory
血库技师 blood bank technician
癌症研究技术员 cancer research technician
临床实验室技术员 clinical laboratory technician
联合实验及X光技师 combined laboratory and x-ray technician
社区医学实验室卫生技术人员 community health technician – medical laboratory
细胞学技师 cytology technician
医学实验室流行病学工作者 epidemiology worker – medical laboratory
医疗实验室帮手 helper, medical laboratory
医学实验室血液学技术员 hematology technician – medical laboratory
组织学技师 histology technician
医疗实验室助理 laboratory assistant – medical
医疗实验室技术员 laboratory technician – medical
医学实验室助手 medical laboratory aide
医疗实验室助理 medical laboratory assistant
医学实验室帮手 medical laboratory helper
医学实验室技术助理 medical laboratory technical assistant
医学实验室技术员 medical laboratory technician
太平间服务主管 morgue attendant supervisor
病理学助理 pathology assistant
抽血者 phlebotomist
放血助手 phlebotomy aide
肾技师 renal technician
医学实验室技术助理 technical assistant – medical laboratory
病理技术助理 technical assistant – pathology
血库技术员 technician, blood bank