3114 兽医 Veterinarians
Veterinarians prevent, diagnose and treat diseases and disorders in animals and advise clients on the feeding, hygiene, housing and general care of animals. Veterinarians work in private practice or may be employed by animal clinics, farms, laboratories, government or industry.
3114 兽医头衔范例 Example Titles
农场兽医 farm veterinarian
小动物兽医专家 small animal veterinary specialist
兽医 veterinarian
兽医检查员 veterinary inspector
兽医病理学家 veterinary pathologist
兽医生理学家 veterinary physiologist
兽医 veterinary surgeon
动物园兽医 zoo veterinarian
3114 兽医主要职责 Main duties
兽医执行部分或全部下列职责:Veterinarians perform some or all of the following duties:
Diagnose diseases or abnormal conditions in individual animals, herds and flocks through physical examinations or laboratory tests
Treat sick or injured animals by prescribing medication, setting bones, dressing wounds or performing surgery
Vaccinate animals to prevent and treat diseases
Perform routine, emergency and post-mortem examinations
Advise clients on feeding, housing, behaviour, breeding, hygiene and general care of animals
Provide a range of veterinary services including obstetrics, dentistry and euthanasia
May supervise animal health technologists and animal care workers
May be responsible for overall operation of animal hospital, clinic or mobile service to farms
May conduct veterinary research related to areas such as animal nutrition, health care products development and disease prevention and control
May enforce government regulations in disease control and food production including animal or animal-based food inspection.
3114 兽医任职要求 Employment requirements
Two years of pre-veterinary university studies or completion of a college program in health science
A four to five year university degree in veterinary medicine
Completion of national certification examinations are required.
A provincial licence to practice is required.
Entry into research positions may require post-graduate study.
3114 兽医附加信息 Additional information
The duties of veterinarians performing research may be similar to those of some biologists.
3114 兽医其他分类 Classified elsewhere
动物卫生技术人员和兽医技术人员 Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians 3213(3213)
生物学家和相关的科学家 Biologists and related scientists 2121(2121)
3114 兽医职称头衔 All titles
解剖学家,兽医 anatomist, veterinary
动物病理学家 animal pathologist
禽流兽医 avian veterinarian
玩赏动物兽医 companion animal veterinarian
牙医,兽医 dentist, veterinary
流行病学家,兽医 epidemiologist, veterinary
马兽医 equine veterinarian
农场兽医 farm veterinarian
食用动物兽医 food animal veterinarian
检验员,兽医 inspector, veterinary
内科,兽医 internist, veterinary
实验动物兽医 laboratory animal veterinarian
微生物学家,兽医 microbiologist, veterinary
寄生虫学家,兽医 parasitologist, veterinary
病理学家,动物 pathologist, animal
病理学家,兽医 pathologist, veterinary
药理,兽医 pharmacologist, veterinary
生理学家,兽医 physiologist, veterinary
家禽兽医 poultry veterinarian
预防医学兽医 preventive medicine veterinarian
放射科医生,兽医 radiologist, veterinary
小动物兽医 small animal veterinarian
小动物兽医专家 small animal veterinary specialist
外科医生,兽医 surgeon, veterinary
兽医 veterinarian
执业兽医 veterinarian practitioner
兽医,玩赏动物 veterinarian, companion animals
兽医,农场 veterinarian, farm
兽医,食品动物 veterinarian, food animals
兽医,实验动物 veterinarian, laboratory animals
兽医,预防医学 veterinarian, preventive medicine
兽医解剖学家 veterinary anatomist
兽医细菌学家 veterinary bacteriologist
兽医牙医 veterinary dentist
兽医流行病学 veterinary epidemiologist
兽医检查员 veterinary inspector
兽医内科 veterinary internist
兽医实验室诊断专家 veterinary laboratory diagnostician
兽医微生物学家 veterinary microbiologist
兽医寄生虫学家 veterinary parasitologist
兽医病理学家 veterinary pathologist
兽医药理 veterinary pharmacologist
兽医生理学家 veterinary physiologist
兽医放射科医生 veterinary radiologist
兽医专家,小动物 veterinary specialist, small animals
兽医 veterinary surgeon
兽医病毒学家 veterinary virologist
动物园兽医 zoo veterinarian