2241 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians


2241 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians


Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians may work independently or provide technical support and services in the design, development, testing, production and operation of electrical and electronic equipment and systems. They are employed by electrical utilities, communications companies, manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment, consulting firms, and in governments and a wide range of manufacturing, processing and transportation industries.


2241 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员职称头衔 Example Titles


通信技术专家 communications technologist
电气工程技术人员 electrical engineering technician
电气工程技师 electrical engineering technologist
配电网络技师 electricity distribution network technologist
电子设计技术专家 electronics design technologist
电子工程技术员 electronics engineering technician
电子工程技师 electronics engineering technologist
电子制造技师 electronics manufacturing technician
电子制造技师 electronics manufacturing technologist
照明技师 lighting technologist
计量技术专家 metering technologist
微波维修技师 microwave maintenance technician
生产技术支持人员 - 电子产品制造 production support technician – electronics manufacturing


2241 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员主要职责 Main duties


电气和电子工程技师执行部分或全部下列职责:Electrical and electronics engineering technologists perform some or all of the following duties:

Design, develop and test power equipment and systems, industrial process control systems, telecommunication, broadcast, recording and audiovisual systems, micro-electronic systems and circuits, computers, computer systems and networks, and computer software

Supervise the building and testing of prototypes according to general instructions and established standards

Conduct or supervise the installation, commissioning, and operation of electrical and electronic equipment and systems other than aircraft electronics or instruments

Carry out applied research in fields of electrical and electronic engineering and physics under the direction of scientists or engineers

Set up and operate specialized and standard test equipment to diagnose, test and analyze the performance of electrical and electronic components, assemblies and systems

Write specifications, schedules and technical reports and control schedules and budgets.

电气和电子工程技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Electrical and electronics engineering technicians perform some or all of the following duties:

Assist in the design, development and testing of electrical and electronic components, equipment, and systems

Assist in inspection, testing, adjusting and evaluation of incoming electrical, electro-mechanical and electronic components and assemblies to ensure conformance with product specifications and tolerances

Conduct life tests (burn-ins) on assemblies and record and analyze results

Assist in building and testing prototypes to specifications

Carry out a limited range of technical functions in support of research in electrical and electronic engineering and physics

Install, operate and maintain electrical and electronic equipment and systems

Calibrate electrical or electronic equipment and instruments according to technical manuals and written instructions

Collect and compile operational or experimental data and assist in the preparation of estimates, schedules, budgets, specifications and reports.


2241 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员任职要求 Employment requirements


Completion of a two- or three-year college program in electrical or electronics engineering technology, computer engineering technology, telecommunications technology or an equivalent is usually required for electrical or electronics engineering technologists.

Completion of a one- or two-year college program in electrical or electronics engineering technology is usually required for electrical or electronics engineering technicians.

Certification in electrical or electronics engineering technology or in a related field is available through provincial associations of engineering/applied science technologists and technicians and may be required for some positions.

A period of supervised work experience, usually two years, is required before certification.

In Quebec, membership in the regulatory body for professional technologists is required to use the title "Professional Technologist."


2241 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员附加信息 Additional information


There is mobility to other related occupations such as technical sales, electronics service technicians, instrument technicians and avionics technicians.

Progression to managerial positions in engineering, production or operations is possible with experience.


2241 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员其他分类 Classified elsewhere


飞机仪表,电气和航空电子设备技工,技师和检查员 Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors 2244(2244)
电子服务技术员(家用和商用设备) Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment) 2242(2242)
工程经理 Engineering managers 0211(0211)
工业仪表技术员和力学 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics 2243(2243)
生产经理 Manufacturing managers 0911(0911)
技术销售专家 - 批发业 Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade 6221(6221)


2241 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员职称头衔 All titles


音频放大器修理工 - 生产 audio amplifier repairer – production
生物医学和实验室设备的修理工 biomedical and laboratory equipment repairer
生物医学工程技师 biomedical engineering technologist
校准测试工 calibration tester
电路设计者 - 铁路 circuit designer – railway
通信技术专家 communications technologist
计算机通信技师 computer communications technician
计算机硬件技术专家 computer hardware technologist
电脑巡视员-测试仪 computer inspector-tester
控制面板测试员 control panels tester
控制系统测试员 control systems tester
设计技师,电气和电子 design technologist, electrical and electronics
设计技师,线分布 design technologist, lines distribution
开发技术专家 - 电信 development technologist – telecommunications
数字电子技术员 digital electronics technician
配电规划技师 distribution planning technologist
电气和电子设计技师 electrical and electronics design technologist
电器及电子产品的质量控制技术专家 electrical and electronics quality control technologist
电气工程设计技师 electrical engineering design technologist
电气工程技术人员 electrical engineering technician
电气工程技师 electrical engineering technologist
电力供应系统技术人员 electrical power supply system technician
电力系统规划技术人员 electrical power system planning technician
电力系统技术员 electrical power system technician
电气技师 electrical technician
配电网络技师 electricity distribution network technologist
机电技师 electromechanical technician
电子医疗设备技师 electromedical equipment technician
电子元件检验技术员 electronic components inspection technician
电子设备维修技术员 electronic equipment maintenance technician
电子设备修理工,医院 electronic equipment repairer, hospital
电子样机技术专家 electronic prototype technologist
电子系统测试仪 electronic systems tester
电子设计技术专家 electronics design technologist
电子工程设计技师 electronics engineering design technologist
电子工程技术员 electronics engineering technician
电子工程技师 electronics engineering technologist
电子制造技师 electronics manufacturing technician
电子制造技师 electronics manufacturing technologist
电子产品生产的技术支持人员 electronics production support technician
电子质量控制疑难解答 electronics quality control troubleshooter
电子技术员 electronics technician
电子技术员,钻机 electronics technician, drilling rigs
电子技师,物理部 electronics technologist, physics department
工程技术人员 - 配电 engineering technologist – electrical power distribution
光纤技术员 fibre optics technician
光纤技师 fibre optics technologist
全息技术人员 holographics technician
全息技术专家 holographics technologist
家居照明技师 home lighting technician
激光技师 laser technician
照明技师 lighting technologist
线分布设计技师 lines distribution design technologist
医疗器械修理工 medical instruments repairer
医疗实验室的设备修理工 medical laboratory equipment repairer
计量技术专家 metering technologist
度量技师 metrics technologist
计量技术人员 metrology technician
计量技术专家 metrology technologist
微波维修技师 microwave maintenance technician
光学技师 optics technologist
辅助设备修理工 paramedical equipment repairer
物理科学实验室技术员 physical sciences laboratory technician
物理系电子技师 physics department electronics technologist
生产修理工,电子 production repairer, electronics
生产技术支持人员 - 电子产品制造 production support technician – electronics manufacturing
生产技术支持人员,电子 production support technician, electronics
保护技师 - 电力系统 protection technologist – electrical power system
质量控制技术专家,电气和电子 quality control technologist, electrical and electronics
疑难解答,电子质量控制 quality control troubleshooter, electronics
雷达系统技术员 radar systems technician
雷达技师 radar technician
无线电频率技师 radio frequency technologist
修理工 - 电子产品生产 repairer – electronics production
修理工,医疗器械 repairer, medical instruments
研究实验室设备修理工 research laboratory equipment repairer
卫星技术员 satellite technician
卫星技术专家 satellite technologist
卫星核查技师的 satellite verification technologist
声纳技师 sonar technician
空间视觉技师 space vision technologist
测试设备修理工 - 石油勘探 test equipment repairer – oil exploration
测试技术员 test technician
测试仪,控制面板 tester, control panels
测试仪,控制系统 tester, control systems
测试仪,电子系统; tester, electronic systems
地下配电技师 - 电力 underground distribution technologist – electrical power