2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians
Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians may work independently or provide technical support and services in the development of production methods, facilities and systems, and the planning, estimating, measuring and scheduling of work. They are employed by manufacturing and insurance companies, government departments, and establishments in other industries.
2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员头衔范例 Example Titles
CAD / CAM程序员 CAD/CAM programmer
工业工程技术员 industrial engineering technician
工业工程技师 industrial engineering technologist
防损技术专家 - 制造 loss prevention technologist – manufacturing
制造技师 manufacturing technician
制造技师 manufacturing technologist
规划技术人员 planning technician
塑料制造技术员 plastics manufacturing technician
纸浆和纸张制造技师 pulp and paper manufacturing technologist
质量保证技术专家 quality assurance technologist
技术员 - 生产调度 scheduling technician – manufacturing
纺织技师 textile technologist
时间研究分析师 time study analyst
2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员主要职责 Main duties
工业工程和制造技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists perform some or all of the following duties:
Develop and conduct production, inventory and quality assurance programs in manufacturing or in other industries
Design plant layouts and production facilities
Develop and carry out work study and related programs
Develop and carry out industrial health, safety and fire prevention plans and programs and conduct safety training programs
使用电脑辅助绘图,计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM)来开发应用程序,以控制机器人,电脑数值控制(CNC)机器和其他制造过程和操作。
Develop applications using CAD/CAM (computer-assisted drafting, computer-assisted manufacturing) for the control of robots, computer numerical control (CNC) machines and other manufacturing processes and operations.
工业工程设计和制造的技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Industrial engineering and manufacturing technicians perform some or all of the following duties:
Assist in the design of plant layouts
Conduct work measurement or other studies
Collect and compile operational or experimental data and assist in the development of estimates, schedules, specifications and reports
Collect and analyze data and samples in support of quality assurance and industrial health and safety programs
Develop manufacturing and processing procedures and variables, set machine or equipment controls, oversee production and inspect processes.
Technologists and technicians in this unit group may specialize in the development of production processes, quality assurance programs, plans and schedules in a particular industrial area such as metal fabrication, plastics, pulp and paper, or textile manufacturing.
2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员任职要求 Employment requirements
Completion of a two- or three-year college program or equivalent in industrial engineering technology, pulp and paper technology, plastics technology, textile technology, manufacturing technology or a related discipline is usually required for industrial engineering or manufacturing technologists.
Completion of a one- or two-year college program in industrial engineering technology or in a related discipline is usually required for industrial engineering or manufacturing technicians.
Certification in industrial engineering or manufacturing technology or in a related field is available through provincial or territorial associations of engineering/applied science technologists and technicians and may be required for some positions.
A period of supervised work experience, usually two years, is required before certification.
A college diploma in manufacturing technology and/or trade certification and experience in machining and tooling or metalworking is required for CAD-CAM/CNC programmers.
In Quebec, membership in the regulatory body is required to use the title "Professional Technologist."
2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员附加信息 Additional information
There is mobility to related fields such as technical sales.
Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.
2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员其他分类 Classified elsewhere
机械加工,金属成形,塑造和树立行业 Machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades 723(723)
技术销售专家 - 批发业 Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade 6221(6221)
纺织技师/技术人员,以支持化学染色,整理和质量控制技术人员/技术人员在食品或化学工业或实验室(化学技师和技术员) Textile technologists/technicians working in support of chemical dyeing and finishing and quality control technologists/technicians in food or chemical industries or laboratories (in 2211(2211) Chemical technologists and technicians )
2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员职称头衔 All titles
3D CNC(电脑数控)程序员 3D CNC (computer numerical control) programmer
CAD / CAM(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造)的程序员 CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacturing) programmer
数控CAD / CAM(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造,数控)程序员 CAD/CAM NC (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, numerical control) programmer
CAD / CAM程序员 CAD/CAM programmer
CNC(计算机数控)Mastercam的程序员 CNC (computer numerical control) Mastercam programmer
CNC(计算机数控)程序员 CNC (computer numerical control) programmer
CNC(电脑数控)技术专家 CNC (computer numerically controlled) technologist
CNC / CMM(计算机数控三坐标测量机)的程序员 CNC/CMM (computer numerically controlled coordinate measuring machine) programmer
计算机数字控制(CNC)Mastercam的程序员 computer numerical control (CNC) Mastercam programmer
电脑数控三坐标测量机(CNC / CMM)的程序员 computer numerically controlled coordinate measuring machine (CNC/CMM) programmer
计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM)的程序员 computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) programmer
成本估计师,制造 cost estimator, manufacturing
面料设计技师 fabric design technologist
消防技术员 - 生产 fire protection technician – manufacturing
工业工程分析师 industrial engineering analyst
工业工程技术员 industrial engineering technician
工业工程技师 industrial engineering technologist
注塑技术员 injection moulding technician
库存控制技术员 inventory control technician
防损技术专家 - 制造 loss prevention technologist – manufacturing
制造成本估计师 manufacturing cost estimator
制造技师 manufacturing technician
生产技术员 - 工业工程 manufacturing technician – industrial engineering
制造技师 manufacturing technologist
材料处理技术员 materials handling technician
方法设计师 methods designer
NC(数控)程序员 NC (numerical control) programmer
数控机床编程(运营商除外) numerically controlled machine tool programmer (except operators)
数控工具程序员 numerically controlled tool programmer
运筹学技师 operations research technologist
规划技术人员 planning technician
工厂布局技术员 plant layout technician
塑料制造技术员 plastics manufacturing technician
塑料注塑成型技术员 plastics moulding technician
塑料技术员 plastics technician
生产和质量控制技术专家 production and quality control technologist
生产控制技术专家 production control technologist
生产计划技术员 production planning technician
生产技术员 - 锯木厂 production technologist – sawmill
程序员,CAD / CAM(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造) programmer, CAD/CAM (computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing)
程序员,数控CAD / CAM(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造,数控) programmer, CAD/CAM NC (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, numerical control)
程序员,CNC(计算机数控)Mastercam软件 programmer, CNC (computer numerical control) Mastercam
程序员,CNC / CMM(电脑数控三坐标测量机) programmer, CNC/CMM (computer numerically controlled coordinate measuring machine)
程序员,计算机数字控制(CNC)Mastercam软件 programmer, computer numerical control (CNC) Mastercam
程序员,计算机数控三坐标测量机(CNC / CMM) programmer, computer numerically controlled coordinate measuring machine (CNC/CMM)
程序员,计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造,数控(NC的CAD / CAM) programmer, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, numerical control (CAD/CAM NC)
程序员,计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM) programmer, computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
纸浆和纸张制造技师 pulp and paper manufacturing technologist
纸浆和纸张的技术人员 pulp and paper technician
纸浆和造纸技师 pulp and paper technologist
质量保证技术专家 quality assurance technologist
质量控制技术员(化学除外) quality control technician (except chemical)
质量控制技术专家 - 工业工程 quality control technologist – industrial engineering
质量控制技术专家(化学除外) quality control technologist (except chemical)
技术员 - 生产调度 scheduling technician – manufacturing
工业工程技术员, technician, industrial engineering
技术员,制造 technician, manufacturing
技术员,规划 technician, planning
技术员,塑料 technician, plastics
技术人员进行,纸浆和造纸 technician, pulp and paper
技术员,纺织 technician, textile
技师,工业工程 technologist, industrial engineering
技师,制造 technologist, manufacturing
技师,纸浆和造纸 technologist, pulp and paper
技术专家,质量控制 - 工业工程 technologist, quality control – industrial engineering
技师,纺织 technologist, textile
纺织技师 textile technician
纺织技师 textile technologist
时间研究分析师 time study analyst
时间研究技师 time study technologist
刀具编程技师 tool programming technologist