2131 土木工程师 Civil engineers
Civil engineers plan, design, develop and manage projects for the construction or repair of buildings, earth structures, powerhouses, roads, airports, railways, rapid transit facilities, bridges, tunnels, canals, dams, ports and coastal installations and systems related to highway and transportation services, water distribution and sanitation. Civil engineers may also specialize in foundation analysis, building and structural inspection, surveying, geomatics and municipal planning. Civil engineers are employed by engineering consulting companies, in all levels of government, by construction firms and in many other industries, or they may be self-employed.
2131 土木工程师头衔范例 Example Titles
桥梁工程师 bridge engineer
土木工程师 civil engineer
建筑工程师 construction engineer
环境工程师 environmental engineer
大地测量工程师 geodetic engineer
地球空间信息学工程师 geomatics engineer
公路工程师 highway engineer
液压系统工程师 hydraulics engineer
市政工程师 municipal engineer
项目工程师,施工 project engineer, construction
公共工程的工程师 public works engineer
卫生工程师 sanitation engineer
结构工程师 structural engineer
测量工程师 surveying engineer
交通工程师 traffic engineer
交通工程师 transportation engineer
水管理工程师 water management engineer
2131 土木工程师主要职责 Main duties
Confer with clients and other members of the engineering team and conduct research to determine project requirements
Plan and design major civil projects such as buildings, roads, bridges, dams, water and waste management systems and structural steel fabrications
Develop construction specifications and procedures
Evaluate and recommend appropriate building and construction materials
Interpret, review and approve survey and civil design work
Conduct field services for civil works
Ensure construction plans meet guidelines and specifications of building codes and other regulations
Establish and monitor construction work schedules
Conduct feasibility studies, economic analyses, municipal and regional traffic studies, environmental impact studies or other investigations
Monitor air, water and soil quality and develop procedures to clean up contaminated sites
Conduct technical analyses of survey and field data for development of topographic, soil, hydrological or other information and prepare reports
Act as project or site supervisor for land survey or construction work
Prepare contract documents and review and evaluate tenders for construction projects
Supervise technicians, technologists and other engineers and review and approve designs, calculations and cost estimates.
2131 土木工程师任职要求 Employment requirements
A bachelor's degree in civil engineering or in a related engineering discipline is required.
A master's degree or doctorate in a related engineering discipline may be required.
Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).
Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, and after three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification is offered by the Canada Green Building Council and may be required by some employers.
2131 土木工程师附加信息 Additional information
There is considerable mobility between civil engineering specializations at the less senior levels.
Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.
Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.
2131 土木工程师其他分类 Classified elsewhere
化工环保工程师 Chemical environmental engineers (in 2134(2134) Chemical engineers )
建筑经理 Construction managers (0711(0711))
工程经理 Engineering managers (0211(0211))
地质工程师 Geological engineers (2144(2144))
运输经理人 Managers in transportation (0731(0731))
2131 土木工程师职称头衔 Titles
机场工程师 airport engineer
评估工程师 appraisal engineer
建筑工程师 architectural engineer
沥青工程师 asphalt engineer
桥梁工程师 bridge engineer
建筑围护结构工程师 building envelope engineer
建筑和桥梁工程师 buildings and bridge engineer
制图工程师 cartographic engineer
总土木工程师 chief civil engineer
土木工程师 civil engineer
民间检验工程师 civil inspection engineer
沿海工程师 coastal engineer
混凝土工程师 concrete engineer
建筑工程师 construction engineer
建设项目工程师 construction project engineer
咨询土木工程师 consulting civil engineer
县工程师 county engineer
水坝工程师 dams engineer
区工程师 district engineer
排水设计工程师 drainage design engineer
工程师,固体废物管理 engineer, solid waste management
工程师,测量 engineer, surveying
环境工程师 environmental engineer
环境工程师,民间 environmental engineer, civil
架设工程师 erecting engineer
基础工程师 foundation engineer
大地测量工程师 geodetic engineer
地球空间信息学工程师 geomatics engineer
公路工程师 highway engineer
液压系统工程师 hydraulics engineer
水文工程师 hydrographic engineer
水文工程师 hydrological engineer
灌溉和排水工程师 irrigation and drainage engineer
灌溉工程师 irrigation engineer
土地排水工程师 land drainage engineer
测绘工程师 mapping engineer
材料和测试工程师,民间 materials and testing engineer, civil
市政工程师 municipal engineer
导航定位工程师 navigation and positioning engineer
消减噪音工程师 noise abatement engineer
海洋工程师 ocean engineer
摄影工程师 photogrammetric engineer
管道工程师,民间 pipeline engineer, civil
污染控制工程师 pollution control engineer
精密测量工程师 precision survey engineer
项目工程师,施工 project engineer, construction
公共卫生工程师 public health engineer
公共工程的工程师 public works engineer
铁路运输交通工程师 rail transportation traffic engineer
填海工程师 reclamation engineer
遥感工程师 remote sensing engineer
河流和运河工程的工程师 river and canal works engineer
卫生工程师 sanitary engineer
卫生工程师 sanitation engineer
污水控制工程师 sewage control engineer
土工程师 soil engineer
固体废物管理工程师 solid waste management engineer
空间信息系统工程师 spatial information systems engineer
结构设计工程师 structural design engineer
结构工程师 structural engineer
结构工程师,民间 structural engineer, civil
测量工程师 survey engineer
测量工程师 surveying engineer
交通工程师 traffic engineer
交通工程,轨道交通 traffic engineer, rail transportation
交通运营工程师 traffic operations engineer
交通工程师 transportation engineer
隧道工程师 tunnel engineer
城市道路系统工程师 urban road system engineer
水和下水道工程师 water and sewer engineer
水管理工程师 water management engineer
水资源工程师 water resources engineer
水系统工程师 water systems engineer
水处理工程师 water treatment engineer